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syno polli white

Posted: 30 Dec 2011, 18:23
by rhino-force
Are syno polli white line bred? I cant really find info on them, just the syno polli.


Re: syno polli white

Posted: 30 Dec 2011, 20:12
by MatsP
Considering they are often called "S. polli 'white zambia'", I would expect they are not a captive bred species.


Re: syno polli white

Posted: 31 Dec 2011, 19:55
by Maccus
Finding different colored synos around here is a mystery. Everywhere I ask, people say what's a custard cat?. Even more so...What's a synodontis?. So it doesn't get very far. But since I probably wouldn't get one unless one died and possible not even then, more of a curiousity.

Re: syno polli white

Posted: 01 Jan 2012, 00:40
by Birger
Are syno polli white line bred? I cant really find info on them, just the syno polli.
When you say line you mean man made variant or are you looking for someone who is currently breeding these?

White Polli Syno, Zambia White Syno AKA in the Cat-eLog are a wild variant that could be a undescribed species.
A forum search brings up a little bit more info.
Maybe Sid will chime in as the images on the Data page were his.
