Zeb Feeding

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Zeb Feeding

Post by FunkyFredFrog »

I've got a tank with Zebs (13), Black Corys (10), Sterbai Corys (8) and some Rainbow Forktails.

I've been reading that other people only feed their zebs every other day - in this type of tank would you reccomend every day or other day?
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Re: Zeb Feeding

Post by Matt30 »

Hi mate

Why would you want to change your current feed regime,(if it anit broke dont fix it?)
personally I dont think it would matter to much in a species only tank but if your feeding every other day and you have 18 Cory's I would think feeding time might turn into a bit of a feeding frenzy and your H zebra's might miss out a bit.
This is just my opinion Im sure others might disagree.
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Re: Zeb Feeding

Post by Matt30 »

Hi FunkyFredFrog

I assumed you talking about Hypancistrus Zebra, or were you talking about Otocinclus Cocama or something else?
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