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Breeding Hoplosternum thoracatum (Hoplo Cats)

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 22:35
by daddyseal
can anyone give me details on how to breed Hoplo Cats?
I know the male makes a bubble nest on a leaf, or green plastic "cover" floating on the surface...but that is all I know.
Please help me, if you know the full details, please.
I have males and females in a community tank, and will put them in their own tank, if someone can tell me...please?

Re: Breeding Hoplosternum thoracatum (Hoplo Cats)

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 10:52
by Lars Jamne
When I want my pair of Hoplos to breed, I add 30% fresh cold water and feed them with red mosquito larvas and adds a bunch of big Catappa leaves and makes sure the current in the tank is to a minimum.

The next day there is normally one or two leaves full of eggs in a bubble nest.

If I want the fry to live I move the leave(s) to a 20-30l tank with a small fry-safe filter and start feeding with Liquifry No1 and after a few days I change to newly hatched artemia. After a few months then you'll have a couple of hundred swimming around…. The fry are real strong and they survive almost anything it seems.

Here's one of my younglings from my last batch. ... ge_id=8019

Re: Breeding Hoplosternum thoracatum (Hoplo Cats)

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 16:38
by minkweir
At what age do they breed?

Re: Breeding Hoplosternum thoracatum (Hoplo Cats)

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 17:57
by Aquatic-Discoveries
See if you can get your hand on this article:

Reproductive seasonality and nest-site differentiation in three closely related armoured catfishes (Siluriformes: Callichthyidae) by Prof. Jan H. Mol

Re: Breeding Hoplosternum thoracatum (Hoplo Cats)

Posted: 18 Dec 2011, 15:24
by Taratron
When you say low current, do you mean almost none? My hoplos are in a tank with sponge filters, but if I turned them off, I don't think the plecos would survive.

Re: Breeding Hoplosternum thoracatum (Hoplo Cats)

Posted: 18 Dec 2011, 18:09
by MatsP
Moved to Callichthyidae section.
