Slate Base for Tank

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Slate Base for Tank

Post by FunkyFredFrog »

Hi Guys.

I've recently sold a whole load of my fish and invested the money in 11 Zebra Plecos, 10 cory Schultzi Black, 8 cory Sterbai and 40 neon tetras.

I used to have black gravel but fancied a change.

I've bought a number of caves from a guy called Tony Parkin (free plug for Tony - Facebook group is called Slate Caves Custom Made To Order) and decided that I'd really like to make my plants neat and whilst not having gravel I didn't want a reflective glass base.

So here is my idea - I got Tony to make me 4 slate pieces that together will perfectly fit the base of my tank and also at the back will be filled with sand or a substrate thaw good to grow anubias.

My concern is that do I stick the slate down permanently and make sure nothing can get underneath which cause a build up of gas or bad toxins when breaking down. Another tact would to be rest the slate on the glass flat but when I do my weekly water change pick up the slate to make sure nothing has gotten underneath. Orrr I could put the slate on a tiny but big enough gap to allow water to flow under (worried bout fry and small fish getting under there though.

I've also thought about drilling the slate every few cm to allow for water flow?

Then I've got the sand in the planters... Do i drill holes in the planters or just stir the sand on e a week to stop gas build up there?
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Re: Slate Base for Tank

Post by Sweety »

Think i'd be inclined to seal the slate to the base of the tank so there is no worries of fry getting trapped or waste. With your plants I would fill youe baskets with the growing media of your choice & cover the surface with some black gravel so it matches the slate
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