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Posted: 10 Oct 2003, 02:39
by Silurus
The latest crop of additions to the Cat-eLog seem particularly rife with typos:

Clarias pacynema instead of Clarias pachynema

Diasternam punctatum instead of Diasternum punctatum

Arius felix instead of Arius felis (We love Felix the Cat, but still...)

Posted: 21 Oct 2003, 23:00
by Jools
Hrm, yeah. I'm just going too fast. Have been thinking now that we have passed 1000 species that I should have a few months focusing on content. I usually get more done over the festive period, so I need to think about that.


Re: Typos

Posted: 21 Oct 2003, 23:01
by Jools
Silurus wrote:Diasternam punctatum instead of Diasternum punctatum
This may be reverting to Hoplosternum anyway...
