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Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 21:07
by Carter77
I been feeding my pleco's different vegetables like cucumber, butternut squash,& zucchini which they seem happy with. I've been cutting into 4" peices and weighting down, leaving in for between 12 to 24 hours.
My question is this,
should I and do I need to prepair them. I've read about blanching, my pleco's seem happy with out but I've nether tried with. Would they enjoy it more and eat more.
Many thanks

Re: Vegetables

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 22:15
by MatsP
I would only use blanching for babies that can't chew the more solid raw vegetables. Substitute cucumber for courgette, as there is a lot more nutritents in courgette than cucumber [which contains more water than seawater!].
