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Hybrid between Corydoras sterbai and melini

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 20:41
by Piotr

Re: Hybrid between Corydoras sterbai and melini

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 21:14
by MatsP
If you keep single/a few of each sex from different species, it's possible that they will breed together. And it's not unheard of to have hybrid corys.

It's definitely not something we want, however. Much better to keep a larger group of one species.


Re: Hybrid between Corydoras sterbai and melini

Posted: 09 Nov 2011, 14:04
by mona o
Is there anyone here that can translate the posts in the link above? Looks like something like Polish language to me?
It would be interesting to know more about how that cross-species breeding came to be. Did the owner keep only one of each sp. or what?

Re: Hybrid between Corydoras sterbai and melini

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 18:15
by Piotr
4 males corydoras sterbai and 3 females corydoras mellini. Stimulate to breeding from corydoras panda (4 pair). Sorry for my English.

Re: Hybrid between Corydoras sterbai and melini

Posted: 22 Nov 2011, 01:38
by PanzerFodder
I bought some that looked just like that last Christmas from my LFS :- It turned out that these corys were a C.Sterba X C.Metae cross and had arrived in a batch of Sterba from one of the breeders that the FS used,

I was at the same fish store last week and saw some more of these crossed up corys in with another batch of C.Sterba, bit of a shame that this is going on, but I guess that as long as they are selling the store owners don't care to much ;)