10 x pleco collection

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10 x pleco collection

Post by Carter77 »

My new update to my pleco collection

1. L200 green phantom
2. L081 Golden nugget
3. Lda31 Mustard spot
4. L128 Blue phantom
5. L027b Royal
6. L264 Sultan
7. L091 Three beacon
8. L082 Opel spot
9. L240 vampire
And newly
10. L114 Leopard cactus

What do you guys think?
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Re: 10 x pleco collection

Post by MatsP »

Nice collection.

Why don't you use the "My Cats" feature - find the species in the Cat-eLog, and "add" it to your "My Cats". That way, your collection of catfish will appear next to your posts all the time.

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Re: 10 x pleco collection

Post by PlecoCrazy »

That is a nice collection.:thumbsup: You must have some big tanks. You should definitely share some pics.
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Re: 10 x pleco collection

Post by bigbird »

yup nice list. Photos ? cheers jk b-)
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Re: 10 x pleco collection

Post by CoryWally »

Hi Carter,
Yes, all nice species but the latest addition is one that needs the 190litre tank on its own.

No idea how big any of the fish are and from your previous posts I assume they're one of each all in the same tank. I think you could have problems anytime soon with overloading the tank, competition and filtration not able to cope.

Maybe time to consider more tanks and getting more individuals of the same species.

From your previous posts, I assume you've lost the starlight Ancistrus. Any fish losses need to be looked into thoroughly(causes etc) before considering new stock.

There's nothing wrong with keeping individuals of nice species but they'd generally prefer company of their own kind rather than other species.

Good luck,
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Re: 10 x pleco collection

Post by Carter77 »

All true,
There all small. The l114 being only 2"
Your right the starlight vanished he was tiny. All the pleco seem happy and feed well.
The tank has tetra's in it. They don't seem to do very well often dying
Your thoughts
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Re: 10 x pleco collection

Post by PlecoCrazy »

To assist you with aquarium problems people are going to need a little more information.

Temperature, Tank Size, Filters, your Maintenance routine, results from any test you may have taken, how long has the tank been running?

What type of Tetras have you had problems with?

Pictures can help to along with that information.
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Re: 10 x pleco collection

Post by Carter77 »

Just added number 11, a Baryancistrus beggini (L239) "Blue Panaque Pleco" it's a beaut!
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