Aspidoras Taurus?

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Juan Felipe Z.
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Aspidoras Taurus?

Post by Juan Felipe Z. »

For some time I posted something similar here on the identification of the same, but I'm intrigued, because both resemble the same kind, Aspidoras Taurus, and the other being a juvenile as an adult.
I know it's lost some time trying to identify the species accurately, but if I collect a copy, I already have a clear idea.
It turns out that the fish were purchased at a pet shop in the region, but were probably collected in a river near the city, the Parana River, where there are only three unique species of Aspidoras: A. Fuscoguttatus, A. Lakoi and A. Taurus.
Until we have so much confidence about the item greater to be a fuscoguttatus, after all have clear similarities, such as the spots and color, in addition to being to Aspidoras wild more marketed in some regions...

Suposted Adult:



Suposted Juvenile:






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Re: Aspidoras Taurus?

Post by Juan Felipe Z. »

Hehehe, the same seems to be the first one fuscoguttatus. Someone to help me on the issue?
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Re: Aspidoras Taurus?

Post by Yann »


I would agree with the fuscoguttatus ID, color and shape to match...

But these guys I find a nightmare to ID correctly, except a few species..nothing look more like an Aspidoras than another Aspidoras...

Wait for Ian (aka: Coryman) to give you his thought on them
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Re: Aspidoras Taurus?

Post by Juan Felipe Z. »

Thank you Yann!
I tried to contact Mr. Coryman to reply to this topic, but today he did not attend...

Corydoras Petracinnii suspect? It is identical to the site!
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Re: Aspidoras Taurus?

Post by Coryman »

This is a very difficult one.

C. petrachini and C. gladysae were described as separate species and there are some that believe they are:-
1. Actually Aspidorasspecies
2. The same species but different sexes.
3. They are actually Aspidoras not Corydoras.
4. They also look very close the Corydoras micracanthus

The locations for all three species (Salta province, Argentina.) are very close to each other.
I think if you compare your two specimens pictured to the the images of
C. petrachini and C. gladysae you will see they look very close.

Having obtained the from a shop and not knowing the exact catching location does not help.

Aspidoras have always been difficult to identify with any degree of accuracy.

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Re: Aspidoras Taurus?

Post by Juan Felipe Z. »

Hello everyone.
I think answer my question: is it really a Aspidoras taurus, but in the juvenile form. I do not really convince myself it is a 'true' Taurus, for now I will classify it as Aspidoras cf. taurus.
I'll wait and see grow into an adult form for 'beat' with the site.
Thank you all for patience with me on the topic, I am well pleased!
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