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Sturisoma aureum babies.

Posted: 22 Oct 2011, 10:46
by Roland
I have problems raising my Sturisoma aureum fry. I`ve had maybe a thousand babyies this summer. And only a few have groven upp. Now I see a pattern. Manny, sometimes all, die around 3 to 4 weeks. I have asked around, these people I know. And some have experied the same ?
Anybody who have and idear about why ?
Regard Roland Dreinø

Re: Sturisoma aureum babies.

Posted: 22 Oct 2011, 11:29
by Taratron
What are you feeding them, and how often? I've never been lucky enough to spawn these guys but past posts indicate they are hard to keep well fed without constant work and feeding regiment.

Re: Sturisoma aureum babies.

Posted: 23 Oct 2011, 09:03
by jac
I breed hundreds of Sturisoma Aureum. I have no problems what so ever.
I provide food 24/7. Mostly cucumber but also Spirulina powder, Viformo tabs and frozen foods. My set up contains about 2000 liters of water so there is little or no toxic build up trough heavy feeding. I do water changes up to 100% over the week and have a nitrate filter.
I have about 2% drop out from the Sturisoma fry, counting an average of 50-80 fry each spawn, spawning every 4-6 weeks. I had 2 females and 1 male but 1 female died some time ago. The fry grow from hatching to sellable size (7-8cmTL) in 8-10 weeks.

I would do more water changes during the week and provide food 24/7. That would help them a lot. Good luck!

Re: Sturisoma aureum babies.

Posted: 23 Oct 2011, 20:33
by Roland
I`m feeding them. Spirulia powder and some driedfood mixed in eggwhite, after a recipe here in another tread.
Many died in the summer, maybe the water was to warm. Later, when the 2 last hatch`s died. I thought I feed them too much. So now I`m feeding them a litle les, but now some dies from hunger. But maybe I don`t change water enough ? I don`t use much greens. They don`t seem to like it so much. But I somtime try with cucumber or a litle boiled cabbige.
I must tell about my water: It has almost no hardnes and a Ph. around, or under 6. Coming right out the spring.

Re: Sturisoma aureum babies.

Posted: 24 Oct 2011, 15:00
by jac
They have to learn to find and then eat the cucumber. That can take a few days so keep on putting the cucumber at the same place for a week or so (changing for fresh every day).
My water is 28-30 degrees celsius, KH (or hardness) 3 and PH is neutral at 7,2. Just plain tap water here.

My fry eat the whole day! Big bellies full with cucumber. So I really think you have to feed more not less.... And with more feeding there comes more water changes. Raising Sturisoma fry takes a lot of work :-p

Re: Sturisoma aureum babies.

Posted: 25 Oct 2011, 08:08
by Roland
Your sure right here "Raising Sturisoma fry takes a lot of work :-p".
But I will try this next time I`ve got babies. The have eggs all the time. And I think, maybe I must try to make the water a litle higher Ph ? How do You feed them the Spirulina powder ?

Re: Sturisoma aureum babies.

Posted: 26 Oct 2011, 16:04
by jac
I crush the tablets. Put it in a syringe and add water. Then squirt were needed or all over the tank. Sturisoma fry then to sit every were.

Re: Sturisoma aureum babies.

Posted: 26 Oct 2011, 17:30
by Roland
Ok I can do that. In fact I`ve already tried that. I just thougt it may be to much vaste ?
Now I lost another class. I measured the nitrit to 0,05, is that a lot ?
I talked to a guy in a aquariumshop today. He said I should try with Live artemia ? Good idear ?

Re: Sturisoma aureum babies.

Posted: 26 Oct 2011, 17:50
by MatsP
0.05 nitrite isn't good, but it's not catastrophic - if it rises, it's worrying. However, it is a sign that your beneficial bacteria in the filter isn't quite coping.


Re: Sturisoma aureum babies.

Posted: 26 Oct 2011, 18:40
by Roland
OK maybe I must clean the filter. It is a big like swamp. But I can do that too. Thanks.

Re: Sturisoma aureum babies.

Posted: 28 Oct 2011, 08:34
by Cristoffer Forssander
I'm also interested to know more about the raising issue!
Is it prefered to leave the fry in the breedingtank or to scratch them when they are eggs and put them in a nurcery tank? I'm having problems with killing fry when moving them... I had no problems som years ago but right now I'm always loosing fry... perhaps I don't have enough time feeding them right now...


Re: Sturisoma aureum babies.

Posted: 28 Oct 2011, 08:48
by Roland
I have a friend who move them just before they hatch. I take what I can get, when they are hanging on the glas. It`s enough for me. I get about 40-50 everytime. And I move them whit a cup. No net. Before, when I thought it was importen to get hold on as many as possible. I tried to suck them out with a hose, but that didn`t go very well, they all died.