Pier Aquatics Stock
Posted: 21 Oct 2011, 17:22
Hi Here are the more unusual catfish we have in stock , for further details and other types of fish contact the shop 01942 236661 or look at at our new website at http://WWW.PIERAQUATICS.COM
We are currently looking at couriers so that these can be delivered to your door !
Akysis vespa £3.95
Parakysis anomalopteryx £3.95
Bunicephalus verrucosus xl £12.50 (Big size)
Astroblepus sp Golden zebra £68 (Ultra rare catfish,conditioned)
Astroblepus sp Inca gold £68 (Special)
Asterophysus batracus £85
Centromochlus perugiae (Rio Tigre) £8.50 (Nice see new fish blog)
Centromochlus perugiae £10.50
Paraaucheniterus galeatus £8.50
Tatia cf Intermedia £8.50 (Nice see New fish blog)
Tatia sp Brazilian black tail £24
Trachelyoptericthys taeniatus (Colombia) £32 (Gold lines ..Pretty)
Trachelyoptericthys taeniatus (Peru) £34 (Big size,Cream lines)
Trachycoryster trachycorystes £38 (Nice)
Bagricthys obscurus £42 (Nice white whiskers)
Bagroides melapterus £85 XL Marble lancers (Well conditioned)
Brochis multiradiatus £16 (Big size)
Callichthys callicthys £28
Corydoras Acutus £8.50
Corydoras Arcuatus £4.95
Corydoras atropersonatus £7.50 (Rio Tigre collection)
Corydoras CW51 £24.50
Corydoras CW123 £3.50 (Very nice fish)
Corydoras duplicareus £12.50
Corydoras eques £18 (Very nice)
Corydoras gold lazer £9.50 (Nice)
Corydoras haraldschultzi £12.50 (Excellent condition)
Corydoras hastatus £2.50
Corydoras cf lamberti £32
Corydoras leucomelas £4.95
Corydoras long nose sychri £9.50 (Nice)
Corydoras Mega metae £85 (Nice)
Corydoras Napoensis £4.95
Corydoras reticulatus £3.95 (Very good specimens)
Corydoras sp Rio Cristalino £28 (Nice)
Corydoras sp Rio Jurura £9 (Nice)
Corydoras robinae £16 (Good condition)
Corydoras robustus £28 (Nice size)
Corydoras schwartzi £4.95
Corydoras sodalis £6.50 (Big size)
Corydoras sp Peru £11 (Pretty see blog)
Corydoras sterbai £12.50 (Wild XL)
Corydoras ‘Super arcuatus’ £22.50 (Big)
Corydoras ‘Super pulcher’ £22.50 (Stunning ! One of my favorites)
Corydoras ‘Super schwartzi’£20.50 (Massive hi-fin,very special) CW28
Corydoras trilineatus £3.95
Dianema urostriatum £10.50
Hoplosternum magdelena £22.50 (NICE)
Scleromustax kronei £14 (XL Nice see blog) only a few pcs .
Acanthodoras sp lechera £8.50
Agamixys pectinifrons £4.95
Amblydoras hancocki £48 (SHOW)
Anadoras grypus £12.50 (blue with scissortail see blog)
Opsodoras sp ‘Blue Cheek’£16 (Very nice!)
Opsodoras sp ‘Red shoulder £16 (Very nice!)
Orinocodoras eigmanni £4.95
Oxydoras niger £16
Physopyxis lyra £4.95
Platydoras armatulus £4.95 and £10
Horabagrus brachysoma £5.95
Ancistrus’Peru Jumbo’ £60 pair
Ancistrus L144 £8.50
Cochliodon ‘Red Nanay’ £9.50
Farlowella sp ‘Colombia’ £5.95
Hemiloricaria lancelota £5.95 (Excellent condition green sheen)
Hemiloricaria sp ‘Giant Mommon’ £22.50
Hemiodonticthys acipenserinus £16.50(Nice XL)
Hypostomus margretifer 7ӣ140 11ӣ210
Hypostomus regani 10” £125
Hypostomus mutucae 9” £125 (Nice)
L14 3-4” £58
L18 3-4” £24
L29 4” £22.50
L46 POA Call for quote.
L47 3-4” £32
L75 3-4” £28
L81 3-4” £24
L81 var Sao Felix gold dust 6” £58
L90 Titan panaque (Big eye) 3” £9.50 (Great value)
L90 Little eye panaque 3ӣ40 8ӣ78
L91 4-5” £38
L95 Real £65
L102 Real £40 CB
L106 £9.50
L113 8” £130
L131 4”
L134 Sm £28 xl £38
L141 3-4” £22.50
L142 (LDA033) 3ӣ32 (NICE)
L148 £7.50
L168 £13.50
L173 BS £25
L177 3” £24
L190 Sm £12 Med £28 Xl £120
L191 Sm £16 Monster £350
L201 £16
L202 £14
L204 Sm £19.50 (Very Nice) xl £28
L226 XL £18.50
L240 L £36 XL £68
L255 £30
L260 Call for quote
L262 Call for quote
L264 £28
L288 XL £28
L330 L £85 XL £140
L333 Real £25 Nice CB see blog
L340 £18
L400 £25
Lamonticthys llanero £22
Panaque ‘stars and stripes’ £85
Panaque ‘Arabesque’ £220 ( Stunning fish )
Panaquolous sp Lyretail(New) £55
Peckoltia sp ‘Red Fin’ (Nice almost a L397) £16
Peckoltia sp ‘Ongo’£14
Spatuloricaria sp Nanay £85 (BIG whiptail nice gets a row of bristles on mouth in season)
Synodontis decorus £14
Synodontis multipunctatus CB £10.50
Synodontis pardalis £150 (The real thing amazing pattern)
Pangasianodon hypopthalmus £12 (12-14”)
Pangasius sanitwongsei £5.95 (4-5”)
Neosiluris sp ‘Big yellow’ £150 (12-14” Pretty !)
Neosiluris ater £150 (12-14”)
Neosiluris brevidorsalis £24 (7”)
Neosiluris sp ‘Sothern tandan’ £32 (5”)
Plotosus papuensis £68 (Very nice )
Microglanis poecilus (Real) £5.95 (Very nice !!!!)
Microglanis sp New Peru. £48 (Very Very Very Nice!!!)
Aguarunicthys torosus £120
Brachyplatystoma juruense £68
Brachyplatystoma ‘Flash Nanay’£300
Brachyplatystoma platynemum £180 ( Was Goslinea Platynemum)
Brachyplatystoma tigrinum £200 (Was Meradontotus tigrinnis)
Brachyplatystoma vailantii £68
Calophysus macropterus £58
Exallodontus ? Hovering pims £38 and £58
Learius pictus £30 to clear
Phractocephalus hemiliopterus £28 call for larger sizes
Pimelodus ornatum £28
Pimelodus pictus £5.95
Pimelodus sp four line white £8.50(Nice)
Propimelodus sp ‘Red Jumper’£68 (Awsome colour and good temper)
Propimelodus sp ‘Azul Jumper cat’ £58
Sorubim lima £16
Sorubimicthys planiceps £48 ( 10” Nice )
We are currently looking at couriers so that these can be delivered to your door !
Akysis vespa £3.95
Parakysis anomalopteryx £3.95
Bunicephalus verrucosus xl £12.50 (Big size)
Astroblepus sp Golden zebra £68 (Ultra rare catfish,conditioned)
Astroblepus sp Inca gold £68 (Special)
Asterophysus batracus £85
Centromochlus perugiae (Rio Tigre) £8.50 (Nice see new fish blog)
Centromochlus perugiae £10.50
Paraaucheniterus galeatus £8.50
Tatia cf Intermedia £8.50 (Nice see New fish blog)
Tatia sp Brazilian black tail £24
Trachelyoptericthys taeniatus (Colombia) £32 (Gold lines ..Pretty)
Trachelyoptericthys taeniatus (Peru) £34 (Big size,Cream lines)
Trachycoryster trachycorystes £38 (Nice)
Bagricthys obscurus £42 (Nice white whiskers)
Bagroides melapterus £85 XL Marble lancers (Well conditioned)
Brochis multiradiatus £16 (Big size)
Callichthys callicthys £28
Corydoras Acutus £8.50
Corydoras Arcuatus £4.95
Corydoras atropersonatus £7.50 (Rio Tigre collection)
Corydoras CW51 £24.50
Corydoras CW123 £3.50 (Very nice fish)
Corydoras duplicareus £12.50
Corydoras eques £18 (Very nice)
Corydoras gold lazer £9.50 (Nice)
Corydoras haraldschultzi £12.50 (Excellent condition)
Corydoras hastatus £2.50
Corydoras cf lamberti £32
Corydoras leucomelas £4.95
Corydoras long nose sychri £9.50 (Nice)
Corydoras Mega metae £85 (Nice)
Corydoras Napoensis £4.95
Corydoras reticulatus £3.95 (Very good specimens)
Corydoras sp Rio Cristalino £28 (Nice)
Corydoras sp Rio Jurura £9 (Nice)
Corydoras robinae £16 (Good condition)
Corydoras robustus £28 (Nice size)
Corydoras schwartzi £4.95
Corydoras sodalis £6.50 (Big size)
Corydoras sp Peru £11 (Pretty see blog)
Corydoras sterbai £12.50 (Wild XL)
Corydoras ‘Super arcuatus’ £22.50 (Big)
Corydoras ‘Super pulcher’ £22.50 (Stunning ! One of my favorites)
Corydoras ‘Super schwartzi’£20.50 (Massive hi-fin,very special) CW28
Corydoras trilineatus £3.95
Dianema urostriatum £10.50
Hoplosternum magdelena £22.50 (NICE)
Scleromustax kronei £14 (XL Nice see blog) only a few pcs .
Acanthodoras sp lechera £8.50
Agamixys pectinifrons £4.95
Amblydoras hancocki £48 (SHOW)
Anadoras grypus £12.50 (blue with scissortail see blog)
Opsodoras sp ‘Blue Cheek’£16 (Very nice!)
Opsodoras sp ‘Red shoulder £16 (Very nice!)
Orinocodoras eigmanni £4.95
Oxydoras niger £16
Physopyxis lyra £4.95
Platydoras armatulus £4.95 and £10
Horabagrus brachysoma £5.95
Ancistrus’Peru Jumbo’ £60 pair
Ancistrus L144 £8.50
Cochliodon ‘Red Nanay’ £9.50
Farlowella sp ‘Colombia’ £5.95
Hemiloricaria lancelota £5.95 (Excellent condition green sheen)
Hemiloricaria sp ‘Giant Mommon’ £22.50
Hemiodonticthys acipenserinus £16.50(Nice XL)
Hypostomus margretifer 7ӣ140 11ӣ210
Hypostomus regani 10” £125
Hypostomus mutucae 9” £125 (Nice)
L14 3-4” £58
L18 3-4” £24
L29 4” £22.50
L46 POA Call for quote.
L47 3-4” £32
L75 3-4” £28
L81 3-4” £24
L81 var Sao Felix gold dust 6” £58
L90 Titan panaque (Big eye) 3” £9.50 (Great value)
L90 Little eye panaque 3ӣ40 8ӣ78
L91 4-5” £38
L95 Real £65
L102 Real £40 CB
L106 £9.50
L113 8” £130
L131 4”
L134 Sm £28 xl £38
L141 3-4” £22.50
L142 (LDA033) 3ӣ32 (NICE)
L148 £7.50
L168 £13.50
L173 BS £25
L177 3” £24
L190 Sm £12 Med £28 Xl £120
L191 Sm £16 Monster £350
L201 £16
L202 £14
L204 Sm £19.50 (Very Nice) xl £28
L226 XL £18.50
L240 L £36 XL £68
L255 £30
L260 Call for quote
L262 Call for quote
L264 £28
L288 XL £28
L330 L £85 XL £140
L333 Real £25 Nice CB see blog
L340 £18
L400 £25
Lamonticthys llanero £22
Panaque ‘stars and stripes’ £85
Panaque ‘Arabesque’ £220 ( Stunning fish )
Panaquolous sp Lyretail(New) £55
Peckoltia sp ‘Red Fin’ (Nice almost a L397) £16
Peckoltia sp ‘Ongo’£14
Spatuloricaria sp Nanay £85 (BIG whiptail nice gets a row of bristles on mouth in season)
Synodontis decorus £14
Synodontis multipunctatus CB £10.50
Synodontis pardalis £150 (The real thing amazing pattern)
Pangasianodon hypopthalmus £12 (12-14”)
Pangasius sanitwongsei £5.95 (4-5”)
Neosiluris sp ‘Big yellow’ £150 (12-14” Pretty !)
Neosiluris ater £150 (12-14”)
Neosiluris brevidorsalis £24 (7”)
Neosiluris sp ‘Sothern tandan’ £32 (5”)
Plotosus papuensis £68 (Very nice )
Microglanis poecilus (Real) £5.95 (Very nice !!!!)
Microglanis sp New Peru. £48 (Very Very Very Nice!!!)
Aguarunicthys torosus £120
Brachyplatystoma juruense £68
Brachyplatystoma ‘Flash Nanay’£300
Brachyplatystoma platynemum £180 ( Was Goslinea Platynemum)
Brachyplatystoma tigrinum £200 (Was Meradontotus tigrinnis)
Brachyplatystoma vailantii £68
Calophysus macropterus £58
Exallodontus ? Hovering pims £38 and £58
Learius pictus £30 to clear
Phractocephalus hemiliopterus £28 call for larger sizes
Pimelodus ornatum £28
Pimelodus pictus £5.95
Pimelodus sp four line white £8.50(Nice)
Propimelodus sp ‘Red Jumper’£68 (Awsome colour and good temper)
Propimelodus sp ‘Azul Jumper cat’ £58
Sorubim lima £16
Sorubimicthys planiceps £48 ( 10” Nice )