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gold or green Laser corydoras

Posted: 20 Oct 2011, 08:22
by angellover
Well a few weeks ago I bought some young green corydoras from Ferrybridge aquatics, 6 of them. I, yesterday, recieved 14 "green" laser corydoras which I got sent by courier from someone from aquarists classified...but they dont really look very green at all, I know they are very similar and the fish are still very stressed but i am convinced they are gold. The pic on the advert defonatly showed green, what do you think?

They hadnt long arrived when I took this video, in the tank around 4 hours and I am going to take anouther video tonight but now the stripe looks really quite may just be my lighting though ... 1319094962

although they do look very similar to these ... re=related

Re: gold or green Laser corydoras

Posted: 20 Oct 2011, 09:48
by fish fodder
Difficult to say from that video.... They certainly don't stand out like other greens I have seen.

Re: gold or green Laser corydoras

Posted: 20 Oct 2011, 09:52
by angellover
they defonatly look very gold this morning, I only paid £6.30 each so either way they are a bargian. might it take a couple weeks of good food to be sure?

Re: gold or green Laser corydoras

Posted: 20 Oct 2011, 18:09
by Coryman
I would say that you have gold lasers, one, the price is normally twice what you paid. Both 'Green' and 'Gold' laser Corys have bright olive colored fins, which can add to some confusion.


Re: gold or green Laser corydoras

Posted: 20 Oct 2011, 22:56
by angellover
Yep defonatly gold they have coloured up lovley

I bought 6 green lasers (they are defonatly green) from ferrybridge aquatics for £6.95 I think it was, well around the £7 mark each
Thats them. Looks kinda cool with the gold and green shoaling together