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C. Similis spawing

Posted: 07 Oct 2011, 21:11
by christiansen
2 days a go i separated in a 30 liters tank 4 Cory Similis from my group of 11. Today , after i got back from the office i found them spawing . They made a short break for 2 hours , that is when i colected 10 eggs that where deposed all over the tank , on all 4 sides of the tank and 2 on the leaves of some anubias . After 2 hours they stared again and removed another 4 eggs .
They're arrownd 12 months old , water temp 25 C, kh 7dh , GH 8dh , ph ~7.5 .
The first batch of 10 eggs i separated in a plastic container with an airstone, 1.5 l of water from the tank and a drop of metilen blue .
The second batch of 4 eggs i separated in a smaller plastic container with water from the tank, airstone and 2 alder cones .

Re: C. Similis spawing

Posted: 07 Oct 2011, 22:12
by Coryologist
Congrats on your spawning. A nice Cory and one of my favorites. Generally a 100% hatch rate. Cheers. - Frank


Re: C. Similis spawing

Posted: 08 Oct 2011, 01:01
by MatsP


Re: C. Similis spawing

Posted: 08 Oct 2011, 02:27
by corybrummie2010
Congratulations on the spawning :-BD

Re: C. Similis spawing

Posted: 08 Oct 2011, 07:29
by christiansen
last night i made a 30% WC on they're tank. this morning found another 14 eggs . this time they are layed in a more compact method . like they're learning how to do it .

thank you for the kinde words. they required something special for hatching and raising or the usual stuff works for them ?

PS. impresive photo Frank @-) , i dono what kinde of camera u've got but is wicked ^:)^

Re: C. Similis spawing

Posted: 23 Jun 2012, 13:57
by christiansen
a small update.

it took me 3 spawing to learn how to raise the fry past the 4 weeks barrier .
in my case they where more dificult to raise compared with the C.Panda fry.
what i finde out by trial and error is that an "hands off aproach " works better .
the water changes where made trough a small air tube , with a valve at one end to limit the water flow, increasing the time it took to refil the tank . the fry are now 10 weeks old and now share the tank with they're parents.
they where raised with mikroworms and tetramin baby . it took them ~ 8 weeks to develop the color patern of an adult C. Similis.

i attached some photos with the fry and one with the tank of the parents.

Re: C. Similis spawing

Posted: 24 Jun 2012, 10:23
by glenngarry
Good work mate and i agree great photo Frank.

Re: C. Similis spawing

Posted: 05 Jan 2014, 10:57
by christiansen
since last time i post in 2012, i haven't got any luck/time with the fry from my small colony. I only managed to raise to maturity 3 of the fry from that spawn.
this autum i decided to make some time and try to raise some fry . After a 4-6 weeks of heavy feeding with frozen blood worms as a staple diet , the parents spawn a couple of times. it was a learning procces for me to raise the fry, i manage to raise a dozen of them . today was the first time i gave them frozen blood worms !
11 weeks old C. Similis
11 weeks old C. Similis
15 weeks old C. Similis
15 weeks old C. Similis
15 weeks old C. Similis
15 weeks old C. Similis

C. Similis @ 4 months

Posted: 17 Jan 2014, 19:45
by christiansen
some photos from this week . i have juvies from two spawns , one group have 4 months and the other 3 months old. from the last batch i have two that had a very slow grow rate .

[attachment=0]C.Similis@ ~ 4 years.jpg[/attachment][attachment=1]S4@3 months_smallest.jpg[/attachment][attachment=2]S1_2@ 4 months.jpg[/attachment]

Re: C. Similis spawing

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 15:02
by Shazray
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing! :) Good job.

Re: C. Similis spawing

Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 05:05
by christiansen
the juvies sharing the breakfast


Re: C. Similis spawing

Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 14:55
by jp11biod
beautiful picture-- great fish

Re: C. Similis spawing

Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 20:45
by Valb68
I raised my c. Similis in a cherry shrimp and snail tank where their growth almost matched c. Sp. Black fry of the same age. At 90 days they are about 3/4 the size of their parents. They grazed on the misc insuforia present then were fed varied Repashy foods along with Tetra Tabs and now some frozen foods. I had more problems growing out c. trilineatus for some reason.

Re: C. Similis spawing

Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 21:45
by christiansen
jp11biod wrote:.... great fish
indeed , they are some preaty nice looking corys ! i was lucky to purchase them back in the winter of 2010 .

thanks for the info Val , i've seen on my juvies that once they start to eat well , along with good water chemistry...they have a really good growth rhythm .
can u share some info about the ratio of hatch eggs vs fry that reached 3 months?

Re: C. Similis spawing

Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 21:54
by Valb68
Well I only managed to snatch up 4 eggs! As I wasn't expecting a spawn from this young group....... All 4 hatched off the leaf they were adhered to and all 4 are 90 days or so. I'm moving Don Petty's breeding group of similis to my fish room this next month so I'll get you some stats once they start producing, but I know he was having steady good batches of fry from them.

Re: C. Similis spawing

Posted: 09 Mar 2014, 15:28
by christiansen
The group have spawn a few times in small numbers of eggs ,across january . i haven't collected the eggs . after a few wees with frozen bloodworms in their diet , a bigger spawing took place late february , i've colected only ~ 50 eggs that were on the leafs of some floating anubias plants . hatching proccent was ~95% after 4 days . water parameters in the tank was EC: 265 ppm , KH -4 dh , ph ~7.5 .

The fry started eating microworms after 3 days , they are now 7 days old and ~ 7 mm SL .

Re: C. Similis spawing

Posted: 10 Mar 2014, 02:54
by Valb68
I've also collected around 50 eggs that hatched about 10 days ago, fry are very active and there was a very high hatch and survive rate :d Great photos!