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FS-L183 Starlight Bristlenose plecos

Posted: 03 Oct 2011, 23:06
by bsmith
My breeding group spawned again and now the babies are big enough (1"-1.5") for me to ship. These are some of the most intriguing fish I have ever kept. They are home in either a normal community set up or a specialized amazon bio-tope. They are mostly herbivores and will absolutely demolish any GDA or other softer algaes in the tank but also like some meaty foods now and again. They prefer warmer temps and softer water but a long time ago, before I knew anything about them; I kept some for a couple of years in a non heated tank that I actually used limestone slabs I collected from the banks of the Missouri river as a complete back of the tank hard scape which made the pH/TDS in the tank off the scale and they were fine for some time. The tank was also kept at 72 degrees.

They will be $30/fish and shipped priority for $10 (no DOA) or $30 for USPS Express (DOA guarantee). OR you can get 6/$150 shipped priority or 6/$170 shipped express. They will be shipped in an insulated box packed in Kordon breather bags and use polyfil in each bag to suck up all the nasty stuff they excrete. There will be no DOA guarantee on Priority shipped orders. I will ship USPS Express with the fish packed in the same way as above for $30 and will have a DOA guarantee as long as the package is accepted on first delivery attempt and I have pics of the DOA/S in the unopened baggies within one hour of the USPS quoted drop off time, no exceptions. In the event of any DOA's I will either refund the price of the expired fish or reship the amount if the purchaser pays shipping again, this is the purchasers choice unless I have no fish left for replacement then you will get your money back minus shipping charge. Shipping WILL NOT be refunded if there are any problems.

You can PM me, email me at or text/call @ 314-607-3338. I'm always up late and will be happy to discuss any questions you have, I love talking shop! :)

Feel free to check out the L183 journal in my sig. It goes from the beginning to current on my journey with these little guys! :D

Big Poppa


The babies! (from previous spawn/s)