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Newly discovered Propimelodus species

Posted: 03 Oct 2011, 00:46
by kie
Hi everyone, thought this would be the best place for this topic, appologies if it isnt.

I wanted to share this with you all being fellow catfish fans.

I got it this catfish the other week, from a very reputable place, it was labbeled in the shop as an Ultra blue Propimelodus (from what I remember), I was told it was a newly discovered species and so far have found no infomation on it, even on here, so I believe it could very well be.

I am expecting it to reach a max size of maybe 12 inches, but cant say for sure as nobody know's.

As mentioned just wanted to share this, show those who havnt seen it yet.

Also wondered if anyone else had come accross this by any chance?

Sorry I cant remember how to put photos on so I have uploaded some videos onto youtube, unfortunatly the quality is not great.

here is the link, i have tryed to put a video on properly below but I am having no luck with it.

just follow link to see another 3 videos



[Mod edit: Fix youtube tags --Mats]

Re: Newly discovered Propimelodus species

Posted: 03 Oct 2011, 02:44
by Silurus
I thought your fish was myself.

Re: Newly discovered Propimelodus species

Posted: 03 Oct 2011, 11:56
by The.Dark.One
This specimen was listed under the same name as yours and I too have identified it as Pimelodus albicans: ... bicans.jpg

Re: Newly discovered Propimelodus species

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 03:22
by Viktor Jarikov
Interesting fish. I am sure Silurus and Steve are right. At first, this fish reminded me of but of course it is not, e.g., adipose is way different.

Re: Newly discovered Propimelodus species

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 10:39
by ElTofi
Very nice cat :YMAPPLAUSE:

I noticed it during my Pimelodidae researches...

Re: Newly discovered Propimelodus species

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 07:03
by amiidae
That fish in question is not Pimelodus albicans. I have seem some imported to S'pore in few occasions.

They usually came in as "Brachyplatystoma vaillantii" but still don't really match.

Re: Newly discovered Propimelodus species

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 11:02
by The.Dark.One
amiidae wrote:That fish in question is not Pimelodus albicans.

On what basis do you think it is not P. albicans? The fish in my photo appears to match that in yours in the clog and I think mine is from the same source as the OPs.

Re: Newly discovered Propimelodus species

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 13:03
by amiidae
Sorry guys, my bad. After viewing some other youtube clips of the same fish. I think it is indeed P. albicans.

I have another mystery ID to solve - The one posted the above.

Re: Newly discovered Propimelodus species

Posted: 03 Nov 2011, 13:37
by kie
cheers for everyone's input, very interesting views, even more so that everyone agrees on the same species, I also agree that my fish is the same shape and appearance as Pimelodus albicans except for the colour which made me think it could be an differenet species or sub-species.

I now have this fish feeding very well and extremely healthy, it is currently in a 5ft tank on its own, unfortunatly I am to sell the 5ft tank as i live with my parents and that was part of the agreement when they let me get my 6ft tank. so I selling this fish.

it is on ebay at the minute if anyone would be interested, I am happy to sell outside of ebay aswell. if you search for Newly discovered species of Propimelodus catfish - very rare fish
you will find it.

thanks for your input so far.