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city living catfish

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 22:32
by Thriftyfisher
This was in the news the other day so I thought I would share it. The Grand River runs through Grand Rapids Michigan, US. This is a section of river that is pretty well fished during the fall salmon run due to a 6' high damn on the north side of town that forces the salmon to pool below it. However, not many people fish for catfish and this guy wasn't either but that is what he caught.

They are calling it a 40-inch plus flathead catfish, Pylodictis olivaris. From the photos I would believe that is pretty close to being correct. I know that there are bigger catfish around but one this big is pretty rare in this part of the world. I snorkel tributaries of this river (this river is usually too cloudy to snorkel) and would love to come across a fish this size.

Re: city living catfish

Posted: 24 Sep 2011, 16:11
by Proteus
never knew flatheads were in michigan, never seen em in that area.


Re: city living catfish

Posted: 25 Sep 2011, 02:43
by excuzzzeme
Hmmm, looks like you could get some great fillets off that guy!

Re: city living catfish

Posted: 25 Sep 2011, 11:05
by Thriftyfisher
They have probably been introduced but I find conflicting information on that. Peterson's Field Guide shows it is native and the Audubon shows it is not native to Michigan.

This guy actually gave the fish to a man and his son so they could eat it. I am sure it was good for at least a couple of meals.