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Red Titanic L-273
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 10:41
by DRJplec
Hey im rhys
Im new to all this but am hoping to source some red titanic pleco for breeding but i have been looking everywhere but i can not find any
Just wondering if anyone new of any ?
Thank you
Re: Red Titanic L-274
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 11:18
by MatsP
Re: Red Titanic L-274
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 11:56
by DRJplec
No 274
Cant upload pic to show you sorry
Re: Red Titanic L-274
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 12:02
by DRJplec
After looking the 273 and the image ive got they look about the same except the rear fins are the oppersite way round big on top small on bottom and the oppersit
But could be the differance between male or female
Any ideas ?
Re: Red Titanic L-274
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 13:16
by MatsP
L274 is a black
Baryancistrus with large white spots, similar to
("Snow ball pleco"), so it is NOTHING like
. We don't have a picture for L274 (and my first search didn't find a correct picture either).
Here's the German L-welse site's page for L274. ... roduct/289
The pictures we have for L273 are quite variable, and I'm pretty sure the fin-extensions will vary a bit as to whether the lower or upper one is longer. It also seems that mature fish often have shorter fin extensions than the juveniles. Whether this is due to damage as they grow, or always happens as they grow older, I'm not sure.
This species is illegal to export from Brazil, which may explain why they are even harder than before to find.
Re: Red Titanic L-274
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 14:13
by DRJplec
My appolagies you are correct the other website was miss leading it is an 273
Thank you for your help
Dont suppose anyone nows where i can get one ?
Thank you
Re: Red Titanic L-273
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 14:28
by MatsP
Don't know of anywhere one is for sale. They are definitely not common...
Not common even before the stricter checks on the export of "non-listed species" - people say Brazil banned export a few years back, but technically, they just made sure what was exported was allowed to be exported - there is a list of "allowed species", and if it's not on that list, it's not allowed for export. The list can be found here: ... inental/1/
It was drawn up in 2003-2004, as far as I can tell (reading Portuguese isn't my strongest point!), and anything not on that list has been forbidden to export ever since [and I think before that too, but the list was even shorter then!].
Re: Red Titanic L-273
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 14:33
by DRJplec
Just my luck that is lol i will never find a pair to breed what others would you recommend except
The zebra pleco for breeding have to be rare tho got a few comman ones
Re: Red Titanic L-273
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 14:42
by MatsP
Rare as in "not been bred" or as in "not many people keep them"?
There are lots of pleco species that match either or both of these meanings for rare. [And you may even mean something else again].
One would also ask "how rare"?
It's very hard to suggest fish for other people to keep/breed, because after all, you also have to like the fish, and we all like slightly (or very) different things. I love Leporacanthicus, and several of those are not commonly bred, but most species are relatively easy to find in shops.
Re: Red Titanic L-273
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 14:49
by DRJplec
I mean the ones that are not comman or never stocked in shops due to there lack of breeds and are almost inpossable to find
The L046 round here are like 85 pound a peace and very hard to get hold of
Re: Red Titanic L-273
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 14:59
by MatsP
The reason H. zebra are expensive is two things:
1. They are illegal to export from Brazil (as explained above).
2. They breed in small numbers (typically 10-15 per brood, and 1-2 broods per year), and the babies grow slowly.
3. They look fantastic, and thus people want them.
There are lots of L-numbers (and scientifically described species) that are nearly never seen in the hobby. Just look at the number of L-numbers where we don't have any or only a couple of pictures (unfortunately, we don't have a search function for "no pictures"). Also, if you look at a list of
, the ones which say "k: 0", have no keepers registered here (doesn't mean there are NONE sold, just that no owner has registered themselves in our "my cats" register). As a comparison, this species has 35 keepers.
Edit: In the above listing, you can also see number of images as "i: <some number>". Fish with no images will have "I: 0". We take almost any picture until we get 12, so if a species has less than 12 images, it's probably not easily found.
Re: Red Titanic L-273
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 15:12
by DRJplec
Thank you very much for you help matsp
Re: Red Titanic L-273
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 15:36
by RickE
MatsP wrote:The reason H. zebra are expensive is two things:
1. They are illegal to export from Brazil (as explained above).
Interesting you should reiterate that Mats. ... -wild.html
I don't understand how these can be openly advertised as wild.
Re: Red Titanic L-273
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 15:53
by MatsP
They are illegal to export from Brazil. It is not illegal to import them into England. So if they have been smuggled out of Brazil to, for example, Colombia, then it is perfectly legal to import them into England (or any other country, with a notable exception of the USA which has a special legislation that makes it illegal to import any plant or animal that is illegal to export in the originating country). We have had several discussions about this in the past, and I'm not going to let this thread divert into a thread about "is it ethically right to import fish that are illegal to export from it's wild location". I have my opinion, and if you search the forum, I'm sure you can find one of the other threads on the subject - feel free to resuscitate one of those if you like.
Re: Red Titanic L-273
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 16:20
by RickE
I'd forgotten that 'loophole'!
Fair comment about not side-tracking the topic. I just happened to see the L46 on Pier's website at the same time as reading your post.