Thought I'd share my new look of my tank

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Thought I'd share my new look of my tank

Post by FunkyFredFrog »

In there are numerous Pleco and Syno amongst others....

Comments are appreciated...

If you are interested there's a ghost knife in the background that lives in a purpose built cave.... There's another video of it on my channel....
Also....I also got a great stainless steel tube pyramid surrounded with slate from a guy called Tony Parkin on Facebook - not a plug but I've got a few things from him....think it's slate caves custom made to order - something like that...
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Re: Thought I'd share my new look of my tank

Post by corielover »

Hi, I'm a newbie. i really like your tank. What kinds of synodontus do you have?
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Re: Thought I'd share my new look of my tank

Post by FunkyFredFrog »

corielover wrote:Hi, I'm a newbie. i really like your tank. What kinds of synodontus do you have?
The long thin stripy syno are synodintis brichardi, the little ones with the White tips are possibly multipunctatus and the dark hi finned ones are euruptus aka featherfin syno!
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Re: Thought I'd share my new look of my tank

Post by corielover »

Wow, those are awesome synodontus. I really like the multipunctatus, but the featherfins are really awesome as well.
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Re: Thought I'd share my new look of my tank

Post by Sam »

Thankyou, that was a pleasure to watch, beautiful contrast of colours and fish look really happy.
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Re: Thought I'd share my new look of my tank

Post by sidguppy »

I can see some potential accidents in there.....

first, you have mixed fish that need different water parameters.
Pseudomugil furcatus (popondetta furcata) need harder and more alkaline water than the other fish. this goes for cuckoo catfishes as well

second is a character issue; you have mixed medium sized synodontis with corydoras.
I'm not talking about the brichardi (a gorgeous one btw), because synodontis brichardi is a very civilized docile fish.
I'm talking about those huge brown Tcech hybrids in there......the ones labelled as eupterus which they're not (or the cuckoo? haven't seen any true cuckoo in the movie).
this will end up with a pile of dead corydoras

if those corydoras usually hide between the slate cave and the glass, this is not an accident! synodontis are known as cory-killers.

out of curiosity; I spotted several Cyprinodonts in there. not counting the guppy's, i've seen Cap Lopez on the surface (Aphyosemion australe), but what are the ones busy near the front windown just above the gravel?
they remind me of Rivulus spp.
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Re: Thought I'd share my new look of my tank

Post by Sam »

synodontis are known as cory-killers.
Is this true of all synodonts? or is it just a few, please don't tell me my nigriventris and flavetaneata and decora aren't going to slaughter my other favourites the corys :-O
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Re: Thought I'd share my new look of my tank

Post by FunkyFredFrog »

sidguppy wrote:I can see some potential accidents in there.....

first, you have mixed fish that need different water parameters.
Pseudomugil furcatus (popondetta furcata) need harder and more alkaline water than the other fish. this goes for cuckoo catfishes as well

second is a character issue; you have mixed medium sized synodontis with corydoras.
I'm not talking about the brichardi (a gorgeous one btw), because synodontis brichardi is a very civilized docile fish.
I'm talking about those huge brown Tcech hybrids in there......the ones labelled as eupterus which they're not (or the cuckoo? haven't seen any true cuckoo in the movie).
this will end up with a pile of dead corydoras

if those corydoras usually hide between the slate cave and the glass, this is not an accident! synodontis are known as cory-killers.

out of curiosity; I spotted several Cyprinodonts in there. not counting the guppy's, i've seen Cap Lopez on the surface (Aphyosemion australe), but what are the ones busy near the front windown just above the gravel?
they remind me of Rivulus spp.
Yeah there are a couple of potential hybrid syno's in there but I've had them for ages with a number of different cory's and there's never been any trouble. The only 'spats' I have is with the larger yellow spotted pleco and the blue phantoms - also the blue phantoms now seem a little terrotorial But nothing bad!
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Re: Thought I'd share my new look of my tank

Post by FunkyFredFrog »

Sam wrote:
synodontis are known as cory-killers.
Is this true of all synodonts? or is it just a few, please don't tell me my nigriventris and flavetaneata and decora aren't going to slaughter my other favourites the corys :-O
What I'd advise anyone is listen to people who are more experienced than you but always know that there are exceptions to most rules and there are so many variables in keeping fish (temp/minerals/type of fish etc etc) that really you can only tell once you try something! I've never had any probs with cory's and syno's but then again I keep my tank really really well looked after and clean. Thats my no 1 tip of all time - regular water changes!
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Re: Thought I'd share my new look of my tank

Post by MatsP »

I have kept several of the friendlier Synos with corys - S. decora, S. brichardi, S. flaviataeniata and S. alberti. However, as FFF says, there are many variables - perhaps most importantly, the temperament of the individual fish!

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