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S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 21:17
by Coryologist
Greetings. My first attempt at learning new hardware and software. I hope you don't get seasick.
Depending on your connection speed, as soon as it starts to play, I'd pause it and let it buffer for a few minutes, so it doesn't start and stop, continuously. Like I said, I'm still figuring this stuff out. I don't know my codecs, yet.
If it doesn't work, LMK and I'll fiddle with the settings. Hi-def video is a killer to work with. - Frank
P.S. Who can name the other fish in the video?
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 21:37
by Dave Rinaldo
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 23:50
by mummymonkey
Took a while to download but a nice video Frank. The other fish are Axelrodia stigmatias.
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 23:55
by Coryologist
mummymonkey wrote:Took a while to download but a nice video Frank..
Cool, TYVM.
The other fish are Axelrodia stigmatias.
Nice try. Guess, again. lol. - Cheers. Frank
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 00:10
by lotsabettas
Great video

Didn't have any delay at all on my laptop and was buffering ahead of watching so no delays
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 00:13
by Coryologist
lotsabettas wrote:Great video

Didn't have any delay at all on my laptop and was buffering ahead of watching so no delays
Kewlio. And YOUR guess on the other fish?

Cheers. - Frank
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 05:06
by corywink
awesome, those are really nice looking males. Do they require cool water like barbatus?
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 07:31
by wrasse
Nice video.
Re- the other fish... is there a catch? Look like beacon tetras, Hemmigrammus Ocelifer
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 09:29
by Birger Amundsen
Nice Frank:)
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 13:27
by Coryologist
corywink wrote:awesome, those are really nice looking males. Do they require cool water like barbatus?
Theoretically, although I have found them to be tolerant of my water conditions year round and I don't recall ever losing one, for any reason. Bullet proof. - Frank
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 13:31
by Coryologist
wrasse wrote:Nice video.
Re- the other fish... is there a catch?
No, lol.
Look like beacon tetras, Hemmigrammus Ocelifer
No. The problem with this species is the larger they get, about .75" max, the less intense the coloration. That could be because of my water parameters, but in my tanks the smaller they are the more vibrant, they are. Cheers. - Frank
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 13:32
by Coryologist
Birger Amundsen wrote:Nice Frank:)
Thanks, Birger. I will email you, today.

Cheers. - Frank
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 14:59
by apistomaster
Frank, the wet thumb, has struck again.
Congratulations, Frank.
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 15:16
by Coryologist
apistomaster wrote:Frank, the wet thumb, has struck again. Congratulations, Frank.
Thank you, sir. These are not a new one for me as I have been spawning them for years. These are F1's. I used to have so many that I would put 5 or 6 juvies in every box of fish that I shipped. After 4 spawns in the past week or so, I may be doing that, again - knock on wood. lol. Cheers. - Frank
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 15:42
by apistomaster
I usually give away a free specimen of Hypancistrus sp L333 with every order for six or more of my L333 and L134 so I can relate.
My house gets way to warm for most fish which need to be kept no higher than 80*F but before next summer I intend to install a new AC system so I can get back into breeding deep forest Killies and other fish which can't handle tank temps often reaching 88*F. It was such a late and cool spring and early summer I decided I could bear 8 weeks of torrid temps this one more year.
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 07:24
by bsmith
Excellent video and beautiful fish Frank! Hopefully in a year or so I can get my Barbatus to do some of the same. I also just acquired some Black schultzei that are in the same tank with the Barbatus and I have hopes of them breeding for me to.
What are the parameters and temp Frank?
Also, How are those CRS doing?
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 13:44
by Coryologist
bsmith wrote:Excellent video and beautiful fish Frank!
Hi Brandon. TYVM.
Hopefully in a year or so I can get my Barbatus to do some of the same.
I'm sure you will.

They're not all that hard.
I also just acquired some Black schultzei that are in the same tank with the Barbatus
I think that you would enjoy both of those species if you gave them their own set ups. Just my 2ยข.
and I have hopes of them breeding for me to.
Not difficult to get eggs, but those fish have many problems, most of which you won't see until young adults. Lots of deformed spines, severely upswept tails, tails that are not fully developed, lumpy heads, too. lol. Genetically, a very inferior fish, in my experience, anyway.
What are the parameters and temp Frank?
I keep my same as any other Cory. Nothing special at all, required. I recently sold a proven spawning group and picked up 30 juveniles to bring in some fresh genes. I'm hoping that will improve future spawns, but I seriously doubt it. As they mature, I'm seeing the same type of problems that mine have always displayed.
Also, How are those CRS doing?
Well, my babies have matured, but I lost a few adults. I have never had much luck with shrimp. I have 200 standard grade arriving next week. I will try my hand at those, before trading some Corys for higher grade specimens with a local invert aficionado. We'll see how I do. Cheers. - Frank
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 14:27
by Birger Amundsen
I`w downloaded the wids Frank. and would like to share them, courtesy of you:)
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 14:31
by Coryologist
Birger Amundsen wrote:I`w downloaded the wids Frank. and would like to share them, courtesy of you:)
Certainly, Birger. Thanks for asking.

. Cheers. - Frank
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 14:48
by Birger Amundsen
Takes over 20 min, to launch them on Face book:)
Well.. I wouldt`n post them without your approval Frank.)
Re: S. kronei Spawning Video
Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 15:17
by bsmith
I have 3 unused 10g tanks that I have been running for a few months and think ill be throwing some groups of the Blacks in there. Keeping the Barbatus in the larger tank since, well they are larger.