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My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 14 Aug 2011, 22:36
by MatsP
I'm pretty confident the ID is correct. Got this little guy/guyette from MA @ Aylesford yesterday for a very good price thanks to a good contact with someone that works there...
Photos could have been better with cleaning the glass first, but as it tends to hide whenever I get near the tank...
Lateral view:
Semi-ventral view:
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 14 Aug 2011, 23:06
by Jools
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 00:20
by Birger
Nice, I would be interested to know how active it becomes as a single, my five can be quite active, often all will be out and about at once.
Not quite clear enough to tell if male or female.
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 00:37
by corybreed
I have a tank of five brichardi as well. They are usually out and about, especially at feeding time.
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 08:18
by MatsP
Unfortunately, this was a single specimen available in that shop, but I believe MA @ Oxford (Wheatley) have some more.
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 11:09
by sidguppy
beautiful one!
it's already of a size, I think?
got 4 now here, but they're quite shy, despite being the only 4 catfishes in the tank.
imo this is one of the few syno's that gets more beautiful when it matures because the pattern intensifies and gets wormy
small ones have just bands, big ones can get a very interesting pattern.
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 11:11
by MatsP
Yes, this one is at least 12cm SL. And I will try to find a few more to go with this one.
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 12:28
by Richard B
And I will try to find a few more to go with this one
There are quite a few about but they seem to be considerably more expensive than a few years back - certainly compared to other species.
I'll keep you posted
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 13:12
by MatsP
I'm sure they have a bunch at Oxford (Wheatley) - not sure about the price tho'. Unlikely they will give me the good price I got at Aylesbury tho'. ;)
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 20:48
by Tappers
£25.50 for singles - I saw them earlier today! They're about the size of yours.
I remember setting up a tank for a brichardi when I was about 14, such a beautiful sleek cat..
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 04:12
by snowball
Beautiful fish Mats, I hope you manage to find some companions for it. A group of
is at the top of the list of cats I would like to keep.
Sidguppy, how long have you been keeping your group for?
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 20:40
by sidguppy
not long, I got mine since the beginning of may.
and the tank has a bit of a redecoration a while ago, I added some bogwood and extra plants and stones; they were quarreling.
now they hide all in the same woodpile, which I think is a good sign.
before I added more furniture 1 was banished to living behind the heater.
I'm hoping i can get some Amphilius in the future for tat tank.
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 03:07
by andywoolloo
it's beautiful!

Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 04 Sep 2011, 13:14
by FunkyFredFrog
I got 4 recently too! Just great fish! Mine are really active in general but 1 sits in the corner of the tank pressed against the glass.
I believe Viscum Aquatics in Barnburgh nr Doncaster still has 2 or 3 left.
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 18:02
by toby
I have to agree on the positive comments on the brichardi. I have had a group of 3 for only a couple of months and they are VERY active - amongst the most active of the syno groups I have - up there with my multis. I have mine in a temporary small holding tank - 40 breeder (36*18 footprint) with lots of hiding spots/rockwork and there is absolutely no serious quarelling between them. The tank gets a waterchange every 3 days and they love it, as I also keep the water moving quite well. I know the brichardi can be a little aggressive. I had a group of 3 before in a 220G, housed with some large petrochromis but there were also several soloni in the tank - the brichardi did not play very nice with the soloni and I had to remove them.
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 19:57
by Richard B
£20 each @ Wholesale tropicals today
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 18 Sep 2011, 10:50
by N0body Of The Goat
Richard B wrote:£20 each @ Wholesale tropicals today
Thanks for that, Richard, these catfish have become as rare as hen's teeth around Southampton... With the exception of a rediculously priced 10cm specimen at Southern Aquatics in Cadnam, for a whopping £50!
Oh how I now wish I had bought more of the group of eight or so that were at Aquajardin last summer, apparently having been in stock for almost a year by that stage...
Re: My latest acquisition: Syno brichardi(?)
Posted: 18 Sep 2011, 14:31
by Richard B
...& £25 each @ MA Wheateley (Oxford) yesterday.