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WTB L46 Zebra Plecos

Posted: 21 Jul 2011, 00:48
by Neo
Hi guys anyone in Scotland or the UK got any adult Zebras for sale? looking for a couple of females if possible but may take some males to go in with my own group, I have kept them for years and have spawned them in the past and a good home is guaranteed :) pm me with details and prices please



Re: WTB L46 Zebra Plecos

Posted: 31 Aug 2011, 00:22
by Andypex
Hey Neo

Long shot as i notice your also after females but......I've got a group of 7 WC but 6 of them are Males. They are all about 7-8 yrs old and very mature.

I'd be happy to discuss swapping one of my males for a nice female if you have any spare or want to swap blood lines around..... and yeah i know spare females dont really exist but its worth a try :-BD


Re: WTB L46 Zebra Plecos

Posted: 31 Aug 2011, 00:48
by Neo
Just picked up some males myself mate, really needing more females as I only have one confirmed adult female :/ I have one possible female but i think its a male too :/