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Synodontis Granulosus???? LFS Homework

Posted: 16 Jul 2011, 18:26
by FunkyFredFrog
The title of this post is to make it unique as it says in the 'read this first' sticky post!

Anyhoooo a friend has got a query on some fish he imported....they came in a box of multipunctatus but they clearly aren't!

We think they possibly could be syno granulosus?

This is the only video I have so please can anyone help us ID this fish for me!


Re: Synodontis Granulosus???? LFS Homework

Posted: 16 Jul 2011, 19:38
by Birger
While we are looking at the video...fill us in, where were they imported from?


Re: Synodontis Granulosus???? LFS Homework

Posted: 16 Jul 2011, 20:59
by FunkyFredFrog
I'm not sure.....I'll have to ask him tomorrow

Re: Synodontis Granulosus???? LFS Homework

Posted: 17 Jul 2011, 01:05
by amiidae
I don't think has spot near the gill area and the eyes are too large too.

Re: Synodontis Granulosus???? LFS Homework

Posted: 17 Jul 2011, 12:31
by Jools
I'd be more worried about the white pectoral fin spines...


Re: Synodontis Granulosus???? LFS Homework

Posted: 17 Jul 2011, 14:38
by Birger
Jools wrote:I'd be more worried about the white pectoral fin spines...

Or the absence of any black in the ventral and anal fins.

Re: Synodontis Granulosus???? LFS Homework

Posted: 17 Jul 2011, 15:02
by sidguppy
100% a fake, hybrid

don't fall for the scammers that tell you "it'll color up later", cause that's a load of fish poop.

granny's are already fully colored up at the tiny size of less than one inch!
ALL fins are black with a white margin on the back, save for the adipose of course
ALL spines are black.

Richard has an avatar of a tiny wee granny with a coin for size comparison
as you can see it's exactly like the bigger ones

the ONLY significant change they have in coloration is that the fine spots superimposed on the body usually disappear once they pass 5-6" or so.

this fish is definitely NOT a granulosa.

Re: Synodontis Granulosus???? LFS Homework

Posted: 17 Jul 2011, 16:06
by FunkyFredFrog
sidguppy wrote:100% a fake, hybrid

don't fall for the scammers that tell you "it'll color up later", cause that's a load of fish poop.
Cheers sidguppy!

My pal hadn't been told it was a granulosa. He had these mixed in with some random fish but hadn't paid more than what a multipunctatus cost him. He was more interested to find out what they were. If I was going to buy them they'd only cost me the same as a multipunctatus as they didn't cost him anything more. He was being cautious at claiming what they were cos like he told me.....'you just don't get a fish exporter "accidentally" mixing up a fish like this cos they're expensive normally!".

I knew that you guys would know ..... Ps it was imported from Africa...... Does anyone know if it looks like a proper species or is it a hybrid of some sort?

Personally I just can't get enough of my syno brichardi's - they are so fun!

Re: Synodontis Granulosus???? LFS Homework

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 22:15
by Jools
FunkyFredFrog wrote:It was imported from Africa
I'd be inclined to say it's a hybrid and quite close to which I've kept. That said it has a clean look about it. Without calling anyone into question, I'd be interested in checking out where it was imported from. Africa is a big place. What exporter or importer would be a good start.


Re: Synodontis Granulosus???? LFS Homework

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 23:13
by Richard B
As Jools points out, the fish does look clean but i think this is without doubt a hybrid fish. This is mainly due to the unique look of the 'granulosa' tail.

@Sid - i saw some of the tank bred baby grannys at NHA when they were 10mm and although not fully typically coloured were pretty much unmistakable as the real deal.

The variations of hybrids appearing in stores is continually evolving and unfortunately there are some that are getting real close to the real things they are trying to emmulate =((