sidguppy wrote:100% a fake, hybrid
don't fall for the scammers that tell you "it'll color up later", cause that's a load of fish poop.
Cheers sidguppy!
My pal hadn't been told it was a granulosa. He had these mixed in with some random fish but hadn't paid more than what a multipunctatus cost him. He was more interested to find out what they were. If I was going to buy them they'd only cost me the same as a multipunctatus as they didn't cost him anything more. He was being cautious at claiming what they were cos like he told me.....'you just don't get a fish exporter "accidentally" mixing up a fish like this cos they're expensive normally!".
I knew that you guys would know ..... Ps it was imported from Africa...... Does anyone know if it looks like a proper species or is it a hybrid of some sort?
Personally I just can't get enough of my syno brichardi's - they are so fun!