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The electric catfish in history

Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 15:36
by Silurus
Not exactly a scientific paper, but still interesting reading if you are into this sort of thing.

Piccolino, M, S Finger & J-G Barbara, 2011. Discovering the African freshwater “torpedo”: legendary Ethiopia, religious controversies, and a catfish capable of reanimating dead fish. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 20: 210-235.


The electric catfishes of African rivers and lakes, once depicted on Egyptian tomb art, have been largely overlooked in histories and reviews of electric fish biology and animal electricity. This article examines how Westerners, especially Dominican and Jesuit missionaries, discovered them in Ethiopia and other parts of Africa at the beginning of the seventeenth century. What transpired took place against the backdrop of tales involving the Bible, Prester John's mythical empire, and imaginary animals with fabulous powers. In effect, how they were found is related to attempts to convert Ethiopian Christians to true Catholicism, hopes of discovering great riches, and opportunities to trade, and not with the efforts of skilled natural philosophers to document and conduct experiments on the wildlife of this continent. Nevertheless, the early descriptions by Europeans circulated, and during the next century these catfishes began to be used in experiments that helped to make animal electricity a reality.

Re: The electric catfish in history

Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 22:49
by Birger
May I ask for the PDF of this if possible.


Re: The electric catfish in history

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 22:46
by Jools
Birger wrote:May I ask for the PDF of this if possible.
A big me too!

