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Help Sex L333 Pls.
Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 03:13
by dreville
Hi Everyone,
First time posting in this forum. I was told this is the best place to ask for advice on sexing plecos.
Would you be able to help me?
These L333s are about 3.5"-4" long.
Here's a top view:

Let's say we go clockwise starting from top (#1), bottom-right (#2), bottom-middle (#3), bottom-left (#4).
Here are some close-ups:
I usually look at the odontodes on the pectoral fins. Going by that, I think, #1 is male, #2 is female, #3 is male, and #4 is female.
I know males occupy caves all the time but all four are usually in caves because I have a bare-bottom tank, several caves and not enough of other cover. Then a friend brought up the body shape and that's when I got confused.
What do you think?
Thanks in advance!!!
Re: Help Sex L333 Pls.
Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 05:05
by jvision
Even with body shape, I'd say you have it right - in most fish, the female is quite a bit more plump when mature.
Re: Help Sex L333 Pls.
Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 05:32
by dreville
jvision wrote:Even with body shape, I'd say you have it right - in most fish, the female is quite a bit more plump when mature.
Thanks for the reply, Jason!
Their body shapes are almost all the same, even though I think they are all close to 3 yrs. old, if not more.
Re: Help Sex L333 Pls.
Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 09:07
by kouen
Hi! I agree, 1 and 3 - males. Odontodes of pectoral fins and tail part
Condition is very good. Good luck with breeding efforts!!
Re: Help Sex L333 Pls.
Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 13:53
by mpfsr
I have 3 of these got them when they were about 1.5" long. They are growing nicly in a 125g tank with 10 zebra danios. One has very white stripes is this common? with the other 2 more yellowish but still not like most pics I have seen. I was wondering if its because they are young? also How old til they start to mature? Sorry to ask in this thread but I was about to ask to sex mine but I got all the info I needed from the pics about sexing them
thx for any help
Re: Help Sex L333 Pls.
Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 14:29
by dreville
kouen wrote:Hi! I agree, 1 and 3 - males. Odontodes of pectoral fins and tail part
Condition is very good. Good luck with breeding efforts!!
Oh wow, thanks for pointing out those tail odontodes, kouen! I notice those tail differences now.
Re: Help Sex L333 Pls.
Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 14:42
by kouen
No problem! Tail spikes of «hyp» are not so strong or furry as pecoltia’s and panque’s but mature males rise that accessories too. I've got 4 registered breeding efforts of L333. This Spring they were very active and now just sleeping. Perhaps they are more seasonal than I expected
mpfsr, normaly they are ready to spawn in 2-3 years, depends of Males condition. Females are ready for action / starting to carry eggs in 1-1,5
Re: Help Sex L333 Pls.
Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 14:42
by dreville
mpfsr wrote:I have 3 of these got them when they were about 1.5" long. They are growing nicly in a 125g tank with 10 zebra danios. One has very white stripes is this common? with the other 2 more yellowish but still not like most pics I have seen. I was wondering if its because they are young? also How old til they start to mature? Sorry to ask in this thread but I was about to ask to sex mine but I got all the info I needed from the pics about sexing them
thx for any help
These were sold to me as L333 "Porto do Moz" variant which has yellow stripes. I've been told that the white stripe variant is called "Alenquer".
In the pictures, all four have the stress colours on - ugly. But in the tank, I can say they all have slight differences in stripe colour.
I probably got these when they were about a year old and at that time they all look the same. Now, they are about 3 years old. As they were growing, in the second year, that's when the patterning became more defined, and the lighter lines became thinner, and probably when the odontodes emerged. At 3, they are quite mature.