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I got some Synodontis Brichardi today....

Posted: 09 Jul 2011, 14:37
by FunkyFredFrog
and I thought I'd share a short video of them with you.

I'd never seen them before but as soon as I saw them I thought WOW they're lovely!

Has anyone got any comments or tips about these spectacular fish!?

Re: I got some Synodontis Brichardi today....

Posted: 09 Jul 2011, 15:28
by N0body Of The Goat
Lovely fish, wish I saw my one out and about more often! If you give them a setup with strong current, you will be more likely to keep seeing them after their first day of settling in.

Only saw one in the video clip (but I'm zombified from my early start this morning), how many did you get and how big is your tank?

What tankmates are sharing the setup?

Re: I got some Synodontis Brichardi today....

Posted: 09 Jul 2011, 16:25
by corybreed
Synodontis brichardi require clean water with a high O2 content in order to thrive. I would also recommend a tank at least three feet in length. I currently have a group of five which are housed with Lamprologus congoensis a riverine Cichlid from the Zaire River.


Re: I got some Synodontis Brichardi today....

Posted: 09 Jul 2011, 16:37
by FunkyFredFrog
There's two. Ones hiding under the rock.

I got them from Viscum Water Gardens (barnbrough site) - they have loads of south American plecos, corys and syno's. If u wanted a name for there it's a kid called Warwick. He's spot on.

Anyway....I've got two pumps for blowing water around my tank. It's 101 cm long and currently I have one air curtain and one bubble maker although I've got an additional one of each should I need them.

Tank mates are ....

Plecos x lots
A couple of other syno's

Plus I change my water 2 or 3 times a week and gravel wash every time.

My fish are cleaner than me!

Re: I got some Synodontis Brichardi today....

Posted: 09 Jul 2011, 19:33
by N0body Of The Goat
corybreed wrote:Synodontis brichardi require clean water with a high O2 content in order to thrive. I would also recommend a tank at least three feet in length. I currently have a group of five which are housed with Lamprologus congoensis a riverine Cichlid from the Zaire River.

Those Lamprologus are supposed to make Steatocranus (I've got S. casuarius) like little pussy cats... I bet that is quite an entertaining tank to watch when squabbles break out!

Re: I got some Synodontis Brichardi today....

Posted: 09 Jul 2011, 20:42
by corybreed
So far the brichardi and congoensis have shown each other mutual respect. I would imagine if the congoensis decide to spawn it could get interesting.


Re: I got some Synodontis Brichardi today....

Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 09:07
by FunkyFredFrog
corybreed wrote:Synodontis brichardi require clean water with a high O2 content in order to thrive. I would also recommend a tank at least three feet in length. I currently have a group of five which are housed with Lamprologus congoensis a riverine Cichlid from the Zaire River.

Could you post a vid of them please mark? :-)

Re: I got some Synodontis Brichardi today....

Posted: 13 Jul 2011, 10:29
by FunkyFredFrog

Got another great video of them today - I fed them in the dark - they go mad for small semi-floating pellets - then turned the light on!

What fish!