I've just splashed out for 3 lovely little corydora's but wondering if they are true Adolfoi?
Re: Corydora Adolfoi or false prophet?
Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 18:48
by unotim123
They are more likely C.duplicareus, I think.
Re: Corydora Adolfoi or false prophet?
Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 21:59
by corywink
with the thicker black band on the back, they are duplicareus. Are adolphoi considered rarer? because I prefer duplicareus over adolphoi
Re: Corydora Adolfoi or false prophet?
Posted: 10 Apr 2011, 01:03
by mummymonkey
What's the cichlid?
Re: Corydora Adolfoi or false prophet?
Posted: 10 Apr 2011, 11:02
by FunkyFredFrog
It's one of my Keyhole Cichlids!
I dunno if adolfoi are rarer but the LFS said they didn't get them often and they were really quite expensive! Shame they aren't what they were supposed to be but I like them!
Re: Corydora Adolfoi or false prophet?
Posted: 10 Apr 2011, 20:21
by Vlacek
Just like corywink, I like duplicareus more so be in your place, I'd be happier these are not what they were supposed to be Duplicareus are more expensive (by 1/3rd) than adolfoi here but both are quite rare. I have 6 of them.
Good luck with them!
Re: Corydora Adolfoi or false prophet?
Posted: 13 Apr 2011, 20:36
by bsmith
From what I hear duplicareus are commonly sold as adolfoi. Prety common just check out Aqua Bid, just about every adolfoi on there is Dupli!