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Pandas few eggs, and egg eaters

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 13:38
by taheton
How Could I possibly get lots of panda eggs,I´ve got 4 trios in one 10 gall tank and 3 trios in another 10 gall, tanks are stuffed with moss, dry oak leaves and I manage to get some eggs but most are eaten, I know pandas lay few eggs and are always egg eates how are they breed in large numbers then?

Re: Pandas few eggs, and egg eaters

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 14:23
by Birger Amundsen
I know one in Germany, that breeds them by the thousands a year, but he`s got a spawning group of about 25-30 fish :d #-O

Re: Pandas few eggs, and egg eaters

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 14:30
by kim m
Try with spawning mops instead of moss. I use mops for my egg earters like weitzmani and erhardti. If I don't use mops for these I will never see an egg but with mops I am fairly successfull with them.

Re: Pandas few eggs, and egg eaters

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 15:30
by slackline
How long do you make your egg mops and how many do you put in the tank?

Re: Pandas few eggs, and egg eaters

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 16:42
by taheton
could you post a pic of your mops please?

Re: Pandas few eggs, and egg eaters

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 16:55
by MatsP
If you search "Spawning mops" in google, and select "Images" as type of results, you'll get several pictures. I don't think it's right for me to repost these results, but there are several examples on the 'net.


Re: Pandas few eggs, and egg eaters

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 19:14
by slackline
There were many results on the net and I searched before I posted. Since I have never used mops with cories, I didn't know how long to make them. Some sites said that you should make them long enough so that they lay on the bottom. Some said just to the bottom and others said it is just to protect the sides of the glass so length wasn't a great deal of concern. I am sorry if my questions were too basic, but never having used them before with cories, I didn't want to use mops that were too short or too long. I was just looking for some information from more seasoned cory breaders.

Re: Pandas few eggs, and egg eaters

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 20:35
by MatsP
I don't really think it makes a huge difference. About 6-8 inches, is what I'd do.


Re: Pandas few eggs, and egg eaters

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 20:39
by MChambers
My pandas lay the eggs on the glass. I've never seen their eggs on plants. I also have not noticed anyone eating them, but I have noticed that the mood seems to come and go. I just found about 20 eggs this morning, after many months without eggs. This did not follow a water change, or a drop in temperature, or a drop in barometric pressure, so I'm mystified as to the trigger.

This information doesn't really give you much guidance, I suppose, except that there is no one solution that works for all panda cory tanks.

Re: Pandas few eggs, and egg eaters

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 21:57
by taheton
I think it must be a solution, because pandas are breed in high volumes for exports in Asia, that why i´ll try mops also, I asked for a pic because I want to know how dense (strings per mop, and how thick)

Pandas few eggs, and egg eaters

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 22:45
by panaque
I've noticed with mine that it is usually only one female that spawns at a time and it's the non-spawning females that do the egg eating. So having just one trio per tank might be a solution.

Re: Pandas few eggs, and egg eaters

Posted: 27 Mar 2011, 18:28
by taheton
That sound great paneque, I wonder if corys spawn just one time and wait for one or two weeks or they can spawn daily for the rainy seasson got amy idea?