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Clown Pleco - Sexing help please

Posted: 18 Mar 2011, 13:31
by Darren Balch
I have recently moved my 3 clowns to another tank and attempted to try and get some pictures to try and get an idea of gender. The pictures are not really all that clear, sorry guys. Any guidance would be great. I have been told that the females will be much rounder overall but there doesnt seem much difference between them.

It is entirely possible they are all male or female i guess?
pic 001.jpg
pic 013.jpg
Any ideas or clues would be great.



Re: Clown Pleco - Sexing help please

Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 23:08
by MatsP
Clear photos would help. But I would also say that males are pretty obvious with the "hair" on the back of the body.

Edit: Sexing questions belong in the page for the particular group of fish, so moved to "South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)"
