Fish bones in cat-elog

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Fish bones in cat-elog

Post by Dinyar »

What do you think of fishbones? I was pretty fascinated and acquired some new insights rooting around AMNH's skeletal collection with Rusty. I've seen more whole fish than skeletons, so seeing the skeletons was like developing "X-ray eyes". Only problem is that many/most specimens are in multiple pieces.

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Post by Jools »

Well, we've got the space for it. The thing I find about fish bones is that understanding what you are looking at is greatly enhanced by good annotation. There is no reason why the images cannot be annotated.

I would limit the depiction of them to provide examples of a particular characteristic and it would be especially nice to have absent in this genus, present in this genus type contrasting pictures too.

Generally, if it makes us think more about our catfish then it must be good.

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Post by Silurus »

The annotations and arranging the bones such that they make some sense to the layman is probably the key.
After all, it's kind of hard to illustrate and label say, a metapterygoid, without explaining how it all fits in the scheme of things.
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Post by Dinyar »

In fact, I don't know what a "metapterygoid" is or how it fits into the scheme of things, but that didn't prevent me from getting some new insights when looking at fish bones.

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