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Hi just got hold of some L204

Posted: 18 Feb 2011, 18:12
by DazSH
Hi all just got hold of 3 L204 wild caught by a excellent fish shop near me did them at cost .
They are round 8-10cm at a rough guess he came through well as we were expecting tiny ones.
I have not got them yet to add photos as they were still in transporting bags so allowing them to be checked over till mid week, i tried to sex them in the bags but it was hard none were showing odontodes that i could see but it was hard to tell.

Any advice would be welcomed

Also i have 3 clown plecs (panaque maccus) 6 corys in the tank there destined to go in should i remove these to have any success in breeding?

If i end up with all males or all females would there be anyone intrested in swapping male for female or vice versa?


Re: Hi just got hold of some L204

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 23:01
by DazSH
No one willing to advise. Has any one had experience breeding these also any help will be appreciated.


Re: Hi just got hold of some L204

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 23:18
by MatsP
There is a breeding article in the "Shane's World" section. Mine are far too small to breed yet.

If you are trying to breed them, I wouldn't keep them with Panaque maccus as it's a closely related species, and you may end up with hybrids, which is a bit of a bother.


Re: Hi just got hold of some L204

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 08:49
by Richard B
I would certainly remove the P Maccus as the L204 can be quite aggressive and territorial in the confines of the aquarium, towards other plecs. Have you got any pics of the tank they'll be going into? How much wood is in there?

Re: Hi just got hold of some L204

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 12:16
by DazSH
Hi yeah i will put pics up soon the panque maccus are tiny in comparison to the l204 so if there aggression there getting moved into my channa bankenesis tank obviously the channa have to go as they are the most aggressive snakehead ive owned. Cant see cross bredding as my fully odontode male is so small in comparison to the l204 im getting i was shocked at the size of them.

A lot of my wood is mopani wood struggling to get anything but it locally so searching internet for something softer.

Re: Hi just got hold of some L204

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 12:38
by DazSH
Pics added below with pic of my smallest panaque maccus had to hes so cute lol.

Re: Hi just got hold of some L204

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 12:39
by DazSH


Re: Hi just got hold of some L204

Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 18:00
by DazSH
Quick update redesigned tank and added some more wood Redmoor wood and some sumatra.
Also collected my three plecos today pics coming soon

Re: Hi just got hold of some L204

Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 19:40
by DazSH

Better Pics coming soon

Re: Hi just got hold of some L204

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 01:10
by Linus_Cello
Nice anubias. What's the moss like plant in the background?
Good luck breeding your L204s. They have a reputation of being tricky to breed. You may want to get a few more to ensure you get a pair.

Re: Hi just got hold of some L204

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 01:34
by Acanthicus

you should put much more wood into the tank. You will need more hidding places than you´ve got now.

Some pics of fries can be found here.


Re: Hi just got hold of some L204

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 03:42
by PanaqueDave
Hey Daniel,

Those 204's look nice. I have 4 myself. I have had very good luck using New Life Spectrum sinking wafers and sinking pellets. The first Pleco I got has grown quite large and is a nice male. The other 3 I just got recently and are much smaller. They are quite aggressive at times so make sure there are some decent hiding spots. Softish driftwood is a good idea, but to tell you the truth, I have not seen any of them eating off the wood.

Good Luck.

Re: Hi just got hold of some L204

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 18:32
by DazSH
Thanks for all your comments and the link you sent was awesome was thinking they had whitespot earlier but now think its just sand as they dont seem to have it anymore. Lots more wood added pics to follow shortly.

Also the moss im unsure had loads of it years ago but it overgrown and clogged external so removed it about a year ago now just a trace left but growing well, like a weed i keep it small now though.