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[Project] 160liters tank for catfishes [achieved]

Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 16:24
by Swiss sp. Crazy
Hello everybody,

I'm new here and I need your advices to do no mistakes. I'm already sorry for the english mistakes i'll do in the future, my natal language is French.

So here is the tank:
The tank is 100 x 40 x 40 centimeters.
There is an Eheim filter ( 2071 ) with 950 liters per hour.
There are also two ''headpumps'' of 3000 liter per hour flow.
The parameters are:
- temperature: 28-29°C
- pH: 7
- GH: 8dGh

This tank should welcome L046 from different people. I don't know how many i can put in it?

I also think to add other catfishes, like L129, or L340. I flashed on L204 but i don't think this is a great idea with the little L046, what do you think? This tank is build to attempt the breeding of different catfish, if possible and i need your advices.

I hope you can put me on a right way.

Best wishes,

A crazy Swiss Species. :d

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 18:16
by ColumbianChocolate
Nice set up for the plecos!
If you are keeping L046 I would keep it a species tank only!
L129 and L340 are also Hypancistrus and you do not want mixed breeding to occur. L046 will not compete well for food against the L204 as well as having different dietary needs.

I would recommend L046 only (species tank) or
L129/L340 and L204 community tank if you really want a mix

Hope this helps :d

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 18:50
by Richard B
As said above - i wouldn't mix the zebras with any of the other sp you mention.

The 204 can be aggressive little fish when they want - to other plecos anyway. If breeding is your goal, a species tank of any of these is the best option & if you go for 204, increase the amount of wood in the tank considerably

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 20:15
by warrior_wolf73
awesome looking tank

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 15 Feb 2011, 16:46
by Swiss sp. Crazy

Many thanks for your answers.
It's quite annoying because the L046 i'll have will be quite young, and until they will bread the tank will be a bit empty.

Do you mean that hypancistrus may hybridize between two species?
I saw that the L260 and L201 have a similar size and behaviour as L046. Mixing two species will be a real problem to have breedings?


A crazy Swiss Species. :d

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 15 Feb 2011, 16:50
by MatsP
Yes, almost any Hypancistrus have been proven to cross breed with other Hypancistrus species. At the L-number conference in Germany in 2009, they showed crosses that had four different species as grandparents. Not a good thing at all.


Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 15 Feb 2011, 19:20
by Swiss sp. Crazy
Allright, thanks. It's interesting.
I think the best is really to do a specific L046 tank, but it will really be empty. If you can suggest me a L-nummer to keep with L046 without risk of crossbreeding (like peckoltia or panaquolus), which would it be?
L015? L121? L134?

I know someone who keeps L046 with L260 together, and L046 with L066 and had a few succesfull fries.

Do you think it's more possible to have crossbreedings between two ''stripes'' species than ''one stripe and one spotted'' specie?


A crazy Swiss Species :d

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 15 Feb 2011, 20:13
by MatsP
It appears that you can get crosses between pretty much any Hypancistrus and any other - spots, strips or any other pattern.


Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 12:13
by Line
Hello fellow schwiitzer :D

I use/used the 160 Liters setup for a long time.
A group of 15 adult zebras would be maximum and requires good discipline as to waterchanges.

I prefer more and more to socialize the zebras with other fishes. They are a lot less shy and thrive better.
F.ex. just now, I have this 160 Liters setup: Zebra fry and youngsters, 6 small Corydoras Sterbai, a group of hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi.

Parotocinclus sp. "recife" is another good option.

Best regards

PS.. why don't you fill up the tank completely? More watervolume is better.

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 19:24
by Swiss sp. Crazy
Hey :YMHUG: :d

I already have 5 corydoras schwarzii from a friend of mine that stop with aquariums.
I don't think to put a group of small fish like Characidae is a good idea, because of the heavy current. But it's true it's a bit empty...and i'll add some if this doesn't derange the breeding of the L-nummers. :d

Maybe if I put more water the current will get ''less heavier'' ( :d ). I didn't fill the tank because they also means more water to change o:-)

But nobody answered one of my question: do you think this will causes a real problem if I mix with L015 or L135 ? Aproximatively a group of 3 fishes?


A crazy Swiss Species :d

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 21 Mar 2011, 20:09
by Swiss sp. Crazy
A few pics of my babies :d

Male-Female??? (curiosity) :d




I juste have ONE question: why isn't an Hypancistrus in these breeding tubes? Too young? Not enought clever ( :-p ) ?


A crazy Swiss species

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 21 Mar 2011, 21:04
by mistern2005
I added 5 Parotocinclus sp. "Jumbo" with my colony of 7 zebras, since the addition the zebras have spawned again so I assume the P. "Jumbo" to not be a problem.

It will take a while before the zebras utilize the caves. I have 7 various caves in my tank and they are mostly not inhabited unless it is breeding time, as my zebras prefer to stay in the rock piles.

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 00:58
by plecomanpat
Nice pics,beautiful fish. As stated by others if you are going to try to breed the L046's,personally that would be the only pleco species in the tank. :-BD

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 03 May 2011, 19:55
by Mauro
Sorry if I'm intruding in the debate but the argument for me, I wanted to make a tank with L046 + L333 + L168 but since you say that there is danger of hybridizing then you better let it be, I do all single tank?

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 04 May 2011, 11:43
by MatsP
Mauro wrote:Sorry if I'm intruding in the debate but the argument for me, I wanted to make a tank with L046 + L333 + L168 but since you say that there is danger of hybridizing then you better let it be, I do all single tank?
H. zebra is likely to be able to hybridize with L333. I very much doubt that L168 would hybridize with any Hypancistrus species.


Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 05 May 2011, 01:38
by Matt30
Hi mate re your tank looking bare yes it will but thats the sacrifice you have to
make when keeping Zebras I know some people keep Peckoltia compta with Zebras but
I would not risk it.
I have a species only tank with x5 Zebras and out thoughs 5 only two have taken to
caves and mine are about a year old so to young to breed anyway.

Anyway within a year they will grow a bit and it makes it all worth while
Good luck

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 05 May 2011, 08:39
by racoll
Given the investment in zebras, I would also keep them in a low-stocked, species-only tank.

This way, you will get faster growth/breeding rates through better water quality, reduced competition, less stress, and less disease risk.

This is not to say that you can't have a few non-catfish to brighten up the midwater while you're growing them on. A shoal of small cyprinids or tetras would work nicely. Shrimps will also be good to clean up any uneaten food traces.

Filling the tank up to the top is a must though. It will only improve water quality.

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 19:21
by Swiss sp. Crazy
just giving some news. I changed abit the tank setup. I wanted to made it looks more natural.
And just a pic of a Rineloricaria sp. red:
Just to share :)


Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes [achieved]

Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 21:58
by yayfish24
Your tank looks amazing. I love it.

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes [achieved]

Posted: 25 Mar 2012, 09:12
by Swiss sp. Crazy
thank you very much .

Here is a picture of one of my L046, just to share:

Re: [Project] 160liters tank for catfishes

Posted: 25 Mar 2012, 09:29
by Marc van Arc
Swiss sp. Crazy wrote:I wanted to made it looks more natural.
In that case you also might want to put a piece of black/dark paper between the tank and the wall. Enjoy the difference.