phyllonemus typus tankmate

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phyllonemus typus tankmate

Post by xsweeneyx »

Bit of advice from anyone who is keeping these fish. I have had my Tanganyikan set up for about 5 years and that has always included a single Phyllonemus Typus. He is a great example and has never had any problems. Now, however, I have a bit of an issue and it really is my fault. My wife is always moaning that there is never much movement in my Tanganyikan tank being taken up predominantly with catfish and rock dwellers who tend to hover around close to their hidey holes, so for a bit of a compromise I thought I would try an experiment and use some dither fish in the tank. I read a few articles that said Dwarf Rainbow fish can work in this environment so I stocked a small schoal. All looked good at first, until over the coarse of the weekend Big Phyll noshed half of them!! Only to be expected I suppose, but I really didn't think he would fit them in as they are bigger than some of the fry cichlids I have in there and they have never been touched.

Anyhow, at the moment I have set up another tank for him but he is on his own and I believe that they like a bit of company, so to finally get round to my point, does anyone reckon that if I add another Phyllomenus Typus they should be alright together as he has been the only one of that species for 5 years?

So it just leaves me to say thanks to anyone who has stuck with this rather long and uninteresting story only to see a rather short and succinct question at the end instead of the huge revelation I'm sure you were all expecting.

Cheers again

Jason. :-BD
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Re: phyllonemus typus tankmate

Post by Birger »

so to finally get round to my point, does anyone reckon that if I add another Phyllomenus Typus they should be alright together as he has been the only one of that species for 5 years?
I could definately see a problem with this...adding another there is a good chance it will not be as large...regardless he or she will not take kindly to another in its "territory"

I would not recommend this unless adding a small group.

I am sure your fish appreciated the snack you provided =P~

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Re: phyllonemus typus tankmate

Post by Richard B »

How big is the new tank you've set up? With plenty of caves etc it might be possible to add 2 but not a single one as Birger suggests above.

The other suggestion would be to use another species to add life to the existing set up. Have you thought about the tanganyikan killifish, Lamprichthys (i think that is the name) a huge killifish that is truly a beautiful fish.

Or some other rainbows which get bigger can work in a very peaceful tang tank
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Re: phyllonemus typus tankmate

Post by N0body Of The Goat »

I might have a P. typus myself, which I bought unlabelled from Aquajardin in late November '09. I really wish I had taken some photos now before releasing it after the acclimitisation process, as this lovely fish is rather shy and will only come out of its cave when the lights are off plus there is no movement outside the Aqua One 620T tank.

My mystery catfish is currently sharing the 620T with...
2x Pantodon buchholzi
1x Hypoptopoma sp.2
4x Synodontis nigriventris
9x Pangio doriae
12+ Tylomelania sp. snails

The above mix is a little different, but like your tank it soes suffer from "lifeless syndrome" in the daytime! I was originally thinking of adding either a group of P. buffei catfish, but now I'm not so sure the tank dimensions would be fair on them.

Like you, I was concerned about whether the catfish needs some conspecifics, but until I discover which Phyllonemus or Lophiobagrus species I have... Have a check at, as I think some little species of Tanganyikan catfish are available through their linked stores ("Tropical fish 2 your door") at £25 each! :-O
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Re: phyllonemus typus tankmate

Post by mikek »

hi i have 6/8 phyllonememes and 1 Lamprichthys in a 18x12x12 tank 2 diferent lots they all get on well there are clay caves for them they shear with the others, they will eat anything that will go in there mouth's i have had 1 with a mouthfull of eggs {mothbrooding cat}she ether spat the eggs or swollowd them i will move the pair to there own tank next time regards mikek
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Re: phyllonemus typus tankmate

Post by xsweeneyx »

Thanks for the advice guys, it was as I thought would be the case. The tank isn't a big one so wouldn't want to put another two or three in there. He's alright on his own just thought it would be nice to have something else in there too.
Was thinking of a couple of african dwarf frogs but fear they would probably be eaten or an african clawed frog but reckon they might try and eat each other! It's strange he never has even tried to eat the cichlids some of them smaller than the fish he's eaten, brings me to wonder what makes a prey fish I reckon perhaps movement or colour..... anyone else had thoughts on this?
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