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A hello from Finland and some questions

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 18:43
by Elzariel
Uh-huh, its that tiny country sandwiched between russia and sweden. Thankfully I'm in the southern areas, where aquarium-stores and hobbyists are easy to find.

I'v had an aquarium for a good 14 years but never thought about joining a internet community. I started to dream about a catfish-based aquarium last summer and after I scrounged the internet for my favourite fishes I stumbled upon PCF.
I think I found my home in the internet!
My mission now is to find new friends and info on my dream setting for my aquarium, I hope to some day show you guys pics of that tank!

Currently I'm living with a 240-liter tank (used to have two, this 240 and a 100) filled with southern platyfish, some small catfish I have no idea what they are supposed to be (I have the finnish name, but apparently that isn't the official name..) and my long-time loves, common bearded-plecos.
After a breeding frenzy one year, I gave away all my girls and now have a butch, manly herd of about 4-5 big bearded boys :)

Hmm! On that thought, anyone have ideas for other fish to inhabit a tank with Ghost Banjos (and/or Rineloricaria sp. if I happen to find those beauts) with maybe some pitbull plecos to clean up the place.. Would platyfish play well with them?
I know the bans/rinelocs need space on bottom, what about hideouts? I know the bearded plecs like their pots and holes to hide in.
All I know about my next tank I'm thinking about getting the bans/rinelocs into, would be bigger than my current 240-liters :l I'm open for ideas!
(Wow that is a long introduction post!)

Re: A hello from Finland and some questions

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 18:56
by Richard B
Welcome to PC! :-BD

There is nothing too aggressive in your thinking so have you considered some midwater shoaling fish like or if you can find them - alternatively should be available

Re: A hello from Finland and some questions

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 20:47
by Viktor Jarikov
Hi Elzariel! Your general questions require a real general fish knowledge, which I do not possess. So, I am sorry, but cannot help right away but wanted to say welcome and assure you will like your stay here.

Re: A hello from Finland and some questions

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 21:27
by MatsP
Welcome to PlanetCatfish.

I've been to Finland a few times, and Ă…land a few times too, as I have lived in Sweden until about 15 years ago. I only know a few useful and some rude words of Finnish...

One of the difficulties with suggesting fish to someone else is that it's quite easy to end up suggesting something that is hard to get hold of where you live, but a lot easier to find where I live.

And of course, your taste in fish may not be my taste in fish!

The suggestions so far are good, in my opinion.

Banjos are fun - but don't expect to see much - which of course means it's even more special when you do see them.

Rineloricaria are nice fish too - not very hard to breed.


Re: A hello from Finland and some questions

Posted: 26 Jan 2011, 03:25
by nicofish
I would say anything south american is the way to go :d
ive had an aquarium for only a year so I am in no position to give advice but I had a pretty good idea for a tank if I do say so myself.

what about a nice school of cories plenty of drift wood sand and to add some color add movement go fancy guppy.

what about corydoras julii they are my favorite they are all pretty, but alas being 15 with no job they cost like 4 bucks a piece so it kept me from buying an army of them @-)

check out this vid its inspiring personally I think its one of the best videos on youtube.

happy fish keeping and welcome

(im in a really good mood I set up a brand new FX5 today im basically running around in circles I normally dont talk this much)

[Mod edit: Use youtube tags --Mats]

Re: A hello from Finland and some questions

Posted: 26 Jan 2011, 12:25
by Junttis
Welcome to the forum!
Richard B wrote:There is nothing too aggressive in your thinking so have you considered some midwater shoaling fish like or if you can find them - alternatively should be available
As alternative to these, as you live somewhere near Helsinki there's a good group of in Akvaario Kurki. They're in good size an price. There's a very good selection of corys and other cats if you're interested.