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Cory Availability List

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 18:54
by Coryologist
Available for pick-up in USA as of 01/16/2011. No shipping until late March

Make me a serious offer for anything that interests you.

A. pauciradiatus - Many WC adults

B. multiradiatus - 5 XXL WC adults

B. splendens - 4 WC young adults

C. adolfoi - 6 TR juveniles

C. aeneus - Columbia - 4 WC adults

C. caudimaculatus - 5 TR young adults

C. ehrhardti - 25 TR juveniles

C. elegans - 8 WC adults

C. eques - 5 WC adults - Female has a benign growth on flank. Been there for a year and has not enlarged.

C. garbei - Proven Spawning Group of 5 WC adults

C. garbei - Spawning Group of 5 TR adults

C. gomezi - 5 WC adults

C. gossei - 14 WC adults - Will split into 2 groups

C. griseus - Proven Spawning Group of 6 WC adults

C. griseus - Spawning Group of 6 TR adults

C. haraldschultzi - Spawning Group of 7 WC adults

C. imitator - 18 WC adults. Will split into 2 groups of 9.

C. leucomelas - 15 WC adults

C. loretoensis - 5 WC adults

C. melanistius - 12 WC adults

C. melanotaenia - 12 WC adults

C. melini - 6 TR young adults

C. multimaculatus - 6 WC adults

C. napoensis - 6 WC adults

C. oiapoquensis - 12 TR juveniles

C. paleatus - Proven Spawning Group of 6 TR adults

C. pantanalensis - 4 WC adults

C. pygmaeus - Many WC and TR adults

C. robineae - Spawning Group of 6 WC adults

C. robustus - 10 XXL WC adults

C. schultzei - 10 TR juveniles

C. sterbai - Proven Spawning Group of 6 WC adults

C. weitzmani - Proven Spawning Group of 5 WC adults

C048 - 9 WC adults

C118 - Proven Spawning Group of 4 WC adults

C121 - 24 WC adults. Will split into 4 groups of 6

C129 - Proven Spawning Group of 8 WC adults and 4 F1’s

C133 - Proven Spawning Group of 6 WC adults

C141 - 10 WC adults

C154 Proven Spawning Group of 6

CW006 - 4 WC adults. There may be 5.

CW016 - 12 TR juveniles. Will split into 2 groups of 6.

CW028 - 8 WC adults

CW038 - 3 WC adults - Cosmetic fin damage

S. kronei - 6 TR young adults

S. macropterus - 3 WC adults

Thank you. - Frank

Re: Cory Availability List

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 20:05
by ginagv
hi Frank!

I was going to be sending you an email today.. this is very coincidental asking you what else you might have available this spring. Now that you have posted this list, please be on the lookout for an email from me regarding my c. elegans and other.

I'm so excited!



Posted: 31 Jan 2011, 15:20
by nkambae
Hullo Frank,

Just pm'd you.


Re: Cory Availability List

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 20:23
by jabones

Re: Cory Availability List

Posted: 16 Apr 2011, 01:30
by chinacoat
Any chance you may have some Hastatus on your hands? :)