How many Albino Cory's can I put in a 20 Gallon Long?
Posted: 05 Dec 2010, 02:17
Hello, I just upgaded from a 10 to a 20 gallon long tank. I currently have 3 Albino cory's in there. My intent is not to breed them, however if it happens it happens. I also have 5 Black skirted tetra in there and am looking to put 2 more 2 inch fish (community) can I finish the school of cory's and put 3 more in, making it 6, or would I need bigger tank.. would there be any merit in putting in maybe 1-2 more if 3 is out of the question? thanks for your help. My 3 are about 2 inches long, and the new ones which I would be purchasing are about 1 1/4 inches. Thanks again.