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Synodontis sp. hybrid (4)

Posted: 04 Dec 2010, 07:06
by cinnamon
Hi everyone, i just bought my first catfish. It was labeled as Synodontis cf. multipunctatus, which it really isn´t. It looks a lot like the Synodontis sp. hybrid (4). So i really want to know if it prefers to be in a group or alone? And if someone knows how big it´s going to grow? Any other information about it would be appreciated as well.

Re: Synodontis sp. hybrid (4)

Posted: 04 Dec 2010, 11:33
by Birger
Your fish likely has a mix of Rift and riverine Synodontis, each of these generally has very different behaviours. I can not say your fish will be one or the other without watching them and their interaction with each other.

If it was trying to be passed off as Synodontis cf. multipunctatus then it probably has the look of a Rift syno...fins erect,fairly active and would be likely more social and would welcome others of its kind.

If it has taken on the personality of a riverine syno it would be more secretive, often seen with fins folded and less tolerent of other synos near itself. Two or even three of these is a bad number as they will push their dominance on the other fish with one sustaining the brunt of the attacks.

far as size I would say be ready for the possibility for the fish to grow up to 20 cm but again it is hard to say for sure...someone may jump in here that has raised some of these.


Re: Synodontis sp. hybrid (4)

Posted: 24 Oct 2011, 19:52
by bluemonchu
just got a little cat that looks just like the hybrid 4- guy at the store knew nothing of the cat, said it was a bumblebee catfish 8-| I knew it wasn't that but really had no idea. I'd say mine is more Rift syno than not. At the store he was with cichlids who picked at him since he's juvenile/small, so he hid a great deal there; the store attendant said he'd been in the tank for months because no one really wanted a skiddish cat, but my danios and dwarf sucker cats don't bother him at all. He uses a sea shell as his safety spot, but swims around most of the time up and down the gravel, along the glass and loves swimming upside down in the filter stream! This Hybrid is not aggressive, and active during a lot of the day-I hope to find more of it if I can- hope this helps!