ID this little syno.

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ID this little syno.

Post by Syno Rey »

Well my girlfriend decided she would bring me for my birthday a little fish she saw in our LFS. It looks like a Syno catfish. its about 1.5 inches. I really dont know what kind it is and would like to know. please let me know what kind it is !
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catfishes 006.jpg
catfishes 004.jpg
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Re: ID this little syno.

Post by Birger »

It looks like it could be a oddly marked little you do not often see them with this many lines on them but it is possible...the dorsal looks tall but I could just be a little paranoid of hybridization.

Not all S. angelica have only spots...often they have lines usually in combination with spots, this one is unusual in having many lines, spots and lines can be white or yellow, we may see more like this one as farm raised fish(hormone bred) are turned out.

Hopefully it turns out to be full angelica as it grows out.

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Re: ID this little syno.

Post by Tom »

I've heard angelica and euptera were being hybridized in Florida, this unfortunately could be the result.
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Re: ID this little syno.

Post by sidguppy »

this is a hybrid, it's actually one of the old school hybrids; this is what we can buy over here as "Synodontis zebra"

it is NOT an angelica.

young angelica have spots; even the odd ones with lines have spots.
there will be some lines, but those are few, narrow and not on the fins

the shape is all wrong too.

100% hybrid.
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Re: ID this little syno.

Post by Richard B »

which i believe to be a schoutedeni x angelica hybrid
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Re: ID this little syno.

Post by Birger »

I try to give the benefit of the doubt but Tom, Sid & Richard are right, it will be a hybrid.
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