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corys for a discus tank

Posted: 15 Sep 2003, 17:03
by Pooks73
what species of corydoras would be best in a warm water tank? i'm looking to add some in, but in a tank with high temperature and relitively low o2 levels, i'm concerned about how many species will fare.

pH is 6.8, temp 85 degrees (about 29 C), 90 gallons heavily planted.

suggestions anyone?

Posted: 15 Sep 2003, 17:07
by Silurus
Some ideas here.

Posted: 16 Sep 2003, 05:10
by stormhawk
Pooks, here where i live the temperatures can hit the low 30s(celsius). so far i've had no problems keeping the skunk and gosseis at the temperatures u are talking about. i'd go with the skunks. but the easiest and best choice would naturally be C. aeneus :P