New Pseudecheneis

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New Pseudecheneis

Post by Silurus »

Anganthoibi, N & W Vishwanath, 2010. Pseudecheneis koladynae, a new sisorid catfish from Mizoram, India (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 21: 199–204.


Pseudecheneis koladynae, new species, is described from Koladyne River, Mizoram, India. It differs from its congeners by a unique combination of three isolated yellowish ovoid nuchal patches, one on mid dorsal line in front of dorsal-fin origin and two on either side, slightly behind; pelvic fin not reaching anal-fin origin; first dorsal-fin pterygiophore with a prominent bony spur on its antero-dorsal surface; and a short caudal peduncle.
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Re: New Pseudecheneis

Post by lalramliana »

Hi HH, Can you please send me the full paper/article if you have.
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Re: New Pseudecheneis

Post by Shovelnose »

A copy for me too if possible.


Major: Now what's this... stone, stone, stone, (looks down at his hand) and scissors. Now. Scissors cut everything, don't they?
Sergeant: Not stone, sir.
Major: They're very good scissors!!
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