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Pterygoplivhthys Joselimaianus size

Posted: 03 Nov 2010, 00:18
by natteheks
I am looking at a new tank for my Joselimaianus and I am wondering if 660 liter/174 gallon tank would be big enough. the measures are 2 m length, 60 cm height an 55 cm depth. I have seen several post on various forums where people say that their Joselimaianus maxed out around 12 inches. Are there any of you that have the Joselimaianus and can bear witness to the accuracy of these posts or prove them wrong?
Best Regards

Re: Pterygoplivhthys Joselimaianus size

Posted: 03 Nov 2010, 05:19
by racoll
I'd say your tank was big enough. :D

I've never seen this species over 12".

Re: Pterygoplivhthys Joselimaianus size

Posted: 04 Nov 2010, 10:58
by Shaun
I have seen this species at 30cm/12" but never over. IMO one of the nicer commonly available larger plecos.
P. gibbiceps I've seen at 60cm/2'+ :shock:

Re: Pterygoplivhthys Joselimaianus size

Posted: 04 Nov 2010, 16:24
by natteheks
Cool!! Would be nice if he did not get any bigger than that. I have a Gibbibeps as well and I was planning 960 l with special measures for him. 60 height 160 length and 100 depth, preferably bigger but my boyfriend is not that much a fan of me taking up every inch of the livingroom :lol: