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Breeding Bristlenose Plecostomus - L???
Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 23:49
by AquariumRox
I seem to have been fairly successful doing this, so I thought I'd share how I did it (or how they did it) with those that are interested. The story with pictures (good pics too) are all right here: ... enose.html
Let me know if you have any suggestions for me. I'm definitely not opposed to new ideas, especially if it's better for the fish!
Thanks for checking it out!
Also, is anyone able to make out the the "L" number that would be assigned to them by the pictures I provided?
Re: Breeding Bristlenose Plecostomus - L???
Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 06:32
by MatsP
It's exciting to breed them for the first time, isn't it?
There is only one L-number visibile in your pictures, that's teh L204 that "accidentally" got in the picture with the fry. The fish you've bred is the common bristlenose,
. It hasn't got an L-number, as it's been in the trade since well before the L-numbers were invented, and (generally) L-numbers are only assigned to new species that are previously unknown in the trade [sometimes when they come from a different location].
Overall it's a nice write-up. I've sent you a PM with a few comments.
Re: Breeding Bristlenose Plecostomus - L???
Posted: 07 Jan 2016, 23:27
by stormwarrior
I believe 180
Re: Breeding Bristlenose Plecostomus - L???
Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 10:49
by pleconut
Now you've had some experience breeding BNs, hoping mine will start. Even more advanced though, have you considered adding a few more fish to the flash pleco you have to make up a small group, they're reasonably easy to obtain, at least here in the UK. They're in the Panoquolus genus. Panoquolus Albivermis, is the scientific name, aka L204 as mentioned above and researching and then trying your hand with breeding these.
Re: Breeding Bristlenose Plecostomus - L???
Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 14:01
by Narwhal72
OP was 5 years ago.
Re: Breeding Bristlenose Plecostomus - L???
Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 14:04
by pleconut
Thanks for letting me know. I need to keep a check on dates!