The Tea Party stands for God, a united nation who embraces all races and/or religion equally, lower taxes, less government, less unions, limited social services, etc. What America was founded on!
you have been swallowing the propaganda hook, line and sinker
wow. spend a lot of time on Fox TV or Glenn Beck's radio show, I guess?
first, your lacking of American history is fairly large.
the founding fathers (Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franlin, George washington etc) did their very best to avoid any religious connection to the Constitution of the United States.
the same goes for the Bill of Rights.
there's no state religion mentioned in it.
the USA were founded as a
secular political system without any version of christianity tacked on.
remember, these were the very guys that still had a good memory of England and especially Cromwell and the Puritans.
they did not want to repeat those mistakes.
also, much more recent, but it's a fine example: you ARE aware of the fact that the phrase "under God" was incorporated into the Pledge of Allegiance June 14, 1954?
not exactly founding Father material, that.
the original pledge of alliance goes like this:
I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
it was written by Francis Bellamy in 1892, and he was a Christian
now let's see what the Tea Party is made of...
racists (like Dale Robertson, the founder of this movement), people who use the N word at protests whenever an African-American government walks by; they really hate the idea of gay marriage or equality for gays and lesbians, they revile immigrant Mexicans and other people of Latino ancestry, they oppose a womans own choice of reproducion or the terminating thereof, they would LOVE the idea of America starting a war with and killing a couple of million citizens in Iran, they loathe all Muslims, blacks, Arabs, Asians etc.
your average Tea Party member is white, male, older than 45 and so far rightwing that even the regular Republican party isn't good enough for them
and that after 8 years of Bush and Cheney. even Dick Cheney himself isn't extreme enough for the Tea Party.
Glenn Beck is a prime example, this guy spews hatred in the air night after night and even promotes people to go violent on president Obama and other members of his administration.
in many other countries he would be arrested for hate-speech or subversive behaviour that causes a threat to the government and peace.
this guy is channeling someonevery very bad. it is pure and undiluted propaganda.
about God blessing America.
what if this God would bless ALL people, not just Americans?
what if God decided to bless the Catholic Latino's south of the border?
worse, what if God would bless the Muslim population of Palestine?
aren't all people children of God? or aren't Muslims people?
or are only the proper sort Americans and especially the Tea Party members worthy of the blessing of God?
"God With Us" so to speak?
then let me aducate you a little bit more.
once there was a very nasty and very bad little man with a funny moustache.
he orchestrated an enormous war and a horrible holocaust wich costed the life of millions and millions of people.
particulary those of other colors and other religions were killed in numbers so big, it boggles the mind.
he had also a nasty radio host working for him, a Glenn Beck version 1.0 sort of. that man was Joseph Goebbels.
His boss too was convinced that he had "God on his side" and that God would bless -and only bless- his chosen people.
his prime fighting corpse had a little pledge with them. they carried it on their belt buckles on their uniform.
those words said "Gott Mitt Uns" wich traslates as "god With Us"
those fighters were the Waffen SS.
their boss was der Fuher Adolph Hitler.
looks like the Tea Partys channeling founders all right, but not the writers and thinkers of the constitution.
unfortunately they chose a different crowd; the henchman of the Third Reich.