Red bruno

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Red bruno

Post by har_eh »

Was sold as "red bruno", would like some more info about it if possible.
(like will it leave my plants alone, breeding)
I think it's a hypostomus cochliodon?

pics i took in the lfs:
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Re: Red bruno

Post by MatsP »

I think you have , which is a close relative to .

Your pictures aren't great, so I may be wrong. Care should be roughly the same either way.

They haven't been bred in aquariums to my knowledge.

Plants may be an interesting chalenge. They won't eat plants, but they can uproot plants when they are large, if they think the plant is the wrong place.

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Re: Red bruno

Post by Badenser »


compare your fish with this:

Cochliodon spec. L 360

Cochliodon soniae (L 137)

Cochliodon spec. "Paraguay" "Red Bruno"

At first look at the eyes, white eyes are for C. soniae, L 360 ist very rare.
take care of you
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Re: Red bruno

Post by ColumbianChocolate »

Hi I thought I would send you a picture of my Hypostomus soniae
L137(Blue eyed red fin pleco) for comparison. Once it has settled in, it will be on display all the time and its colouration will become more vivid :D
L137.jpg (43.36 KiB) Viewed 1980 times
Pleco I would most like to keep - L397 Panaque sp.
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