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Catfish Convention

Posted: 28 Sep 2010, 13:19
by Bwhiskered
Who all is going to the Catfish Convention in Fairfax Virginia? Are you going just to enjoy yourself and pick up a few fish or are you going as a room seller? I hope to pick up some interesting corys and maybe a new and interesting tetra or two on the Shop Hop. It's the best convention going and I have not missed one yet.


Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 28 Sep 2010, 15:21
by PlecoCrazy
I as well have been to all of them and can't wait to go to this one. I am probably going to pick up some fish but I am also going to be selling some plecos. I am going on the shop hop as well and am looking forward to checking out Discus Hans facility and maybe pick up some Discus as well. See you all there! :D


Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 01 Oct 2010, 21:18
by Barbie
Julie and I will be there. She is planning to sell fish and I will probably bring a box of pleco fry, I'm sure. Don't miss it, if you can help it!


Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 02 Oct 2010, 00:00
by corybreed
I have been to all of the conventions and look forward to seeing old friends. It is always a great time for all and shouldn't be missed.

Mark Soberman

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 02 Oct 2010, 11:43
by Bwhiskered
corybreed wrote:I have been to all of the conventions and look forward to seeing old friends. It is always a great time for all and shouldn't be missed.

Mark Soberman
I have been to all of them as well and have talked to you on several occasions.


Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 12:14
by sdm
I’m going to try to get there for the auction on Sunday, hopefully someone will be selling some interesting corydoras.

Could someone with experience describe the auction process for those of us who are new? Just some suggestions to help things go a little smoother.

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 13:10
by PlecoCrazy
If you want interesting cories then you'd better go to the convention instead of the auction. There might be some in the auction but odds are what you are looking for won't make it to the auction. It works just like any other auction except your bidding on a bag of fish instead of a tv or what not.

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 18:17
by Birger
I will be there, even going early just to get away for a few extra days...for me I am looking forward to the collecting trip and of course seeing everyone again.
Could someone with experience describe the auction process for those of us who are new? Just some suggestions to help things go a little smoother.
It is usually fairly simple and if you have a question don't be shy to ask someone there is usually quite a few people who have been through it before.

In preparation for the auction I usually take a preset amount of cash to spend, also have an idea before hand what it is you are actually after(and willing to spend for it) as it can be easy to get carried away for some...usually you go home with something unexpected anyway.

I think it is important to bring an insulated box (the kind LFS ship fish in) to put your purchases in as it is a long day for the fish and anything you can do to make it more comfortable the better, make sure your box is clearly labelled with your name.


Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 20:50
by Viktor Jarikov
Can I read up on this anywhere? A webpage with a programme, address, registration, etc. essentials would be helpful? Do people sell big (1'-4') cats there at all?

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 21:00
by MatsP
Website is here:

I don't think there will be many people there selling really big catfish. But I haven't been there, so I can't say for sure.


Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 21:29
by sdm
I wish I could make it Friday night (and Saturday), but there is no way. I'm still not 100% sure I can make it on Sunday.

Will the fish types be sold together, i.e. all the synos, then the cories, then the loracids etc.?

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 21:54
by MatsP
I don't know about this auction, but I have been to three auctions with two different organisers, and the lots are usually ordered by seller, so all lots from Seller A will be sold in order, then Seller B's lots are sold, then Seller C, etc, etc.

The two organizers are different in that one lets you view the fish (and other items) before the auction starts, the other doesn't - you may request to come up and see the fish before bidding, but most lots are sold based on the auctioneers description.

I agree with the previous comment as to "make sure you have a set amount of cash", and "you'll probably end up with something you hadn't planned on".


Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 23:04
by Birger
Do people sell big (1'-4') cats there at all?
You never know what will show up at an auction but usually there are not too many of the big species such as what you (Victor) are after.
Will the fish types be sold together, i.e. all the synos, then the cories, then the loracids etc.?
The auctions I have been to everything is mixed up...sort of a random thing...some auctions will allow someone to bump an item for a buck or two though. This means if you pay a dollar or two they will put it next on the auction block but does not mean you will get the still must be bid for.


Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 23:57
by dconnors
This is my first catfish convention, I can't wait to meet all the great people there!

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 01:10
by Bwhiskered
You never know what to expect from the room sellers. Many are hobbyist breeders and some are importers. The prices can vary as much as the fish themselves. I always find something that is different and interesting. Can't wait to check those rooms. The auction is always good and I always see something I want but the rooms surpass the auction for the chance of something different.

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 23:22
by Andrew
The auction is quite simple. You register as a buyer and are given a number card. When an item comes up that you'd like to purchase, you hold up your card so that the auctioneer can see it. Hold it as long as you are willing to pay the price offered by the auctioneer. If the price gets too high, put the card down and someone else will buy the item. Or, hold it high until your buyer number is called and you'll go home with the item. At the end of the day you pay the event whatever the total of your purchases adds up to. There are opportunities to view the items for sale throughout the day, and you can pay a small fee to have an item moved to the front of the sales line if you need to leave before it comes up for sale.

Aquarium event auctions are inherently unpredictable. You often see things for amazing prices that you might not otherwise have considered buying. There will be catfish available, but also many other kinds of fish and plants. On the other hand as mentioned by a couple of folks here, many of the more exciting fish will be sold through the vendor areas and hotel rooms before the auction. Best buy here early (Friday) to make sure you get what you want. Or, if there's someone coming who is selling something you know that you want, you might consider making arrangements with that person to purchase before they offer it for general sale.

As for the non-commercial aspects of the convention, be ready to have fun, meet great people and learn a lot about catfishes! Most of our conventioneers are repeat visitors because they had such a great time at the last one they attended. Many folks have been to all three previous editions and will be back for the fourth. This convention attracts a very high quality crowd of attendees, in addition to the speakers, sellers, etc.

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 11:06
by dconnors
Since this thread is started, who all is going; and what, if any types of fish are you bringing to sell. :beardy:

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 12:54
by Bwhiskered
I do hope that someone is bringing some super red bushynose to sell.

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 13:23
by PlecoCrazy
I'm bringing some L129, L260, and L333 to sell. All F1's.

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 20 Oct 2010, 00:51
by James0816
I may not be able to make it myself now. Grrrr.

If any of you guys are, can you keep a look out for some Oto's for me? I'm looking for O. Flexilis and Mimulus. I'm sure that is going to be a big stretch but never hurts to check. Maybe some contacts for importing them may work too. I'm only an hour away from the convention.


Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 20 Oct 2010, 13:47
by corybreed
I am bringing albino sterbai, ,, and maybe some .


[Mod edit: add CLOG tags for the more unusual species... --Mats]

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 20 Oct 2010, 14:29
by longstocking
I'll be there as always... wouldn't miss it! I'll be in Julie and Barbies room like usual.

Bringing L270, L333, ABN's.... and something not catfish. Petrochromis. sp red bulu point :)

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 20 Oct 2010, 14:46
by rhibear
I'll be coming for my very first fishy event. Sadly my black baby corys are still too wee for travel/sale. Still debating bringing the mom to show.

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 20 Oct 2010, 15:29
by TwoTankAmin
Once again I can not make it. However, I am sending down 5 F1 zebra plecs for sale/auction. The proceeds will be donated to and Barbie will be handling the sale details. Thanks Barb :thumbsup:

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 21 Oct 2010, 02:57
by longstocking
I do hope that someone is bringing some super red bushynose to sell.

I know there is a local guy that sells them... and a huge cat freak :) His name is Todd... I would be suprised if he didn't show up.

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 21 Oct 2010, 03:35
by verbal
longstocking wrote:I'll be there as always... wouldn't miss it! I'll be in Julie and Barbies room like usual.

Bringing L270, L333, ABN's.... and something not catfish. Petrochromis. sp red bulu point :)
What size are the L333?

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 21 Oct 2010, 04:03
by longstocking
Honestly I'm not 100% as I need to tear apart the tank tomorrow morning. I know there at least three spawns in the tank. Probably ranging from 1 to 2 inches.

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 22 Oct 2010, 10:44
by sdm
Is anyone bringing any Corydoras reynoldsi?

Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 24 Oct 2010, 21:07
by fishboy20
I wish I could have been there but I did not have enough fish to offset the costs of coming out. I will be at the next one more then likely. Does anyone have any photos or even videos of the convention?


Re: Catfish Convention

Posted: 25 Oct 2010, 07:41
by Barbie
I took very few pictures this time (everyone else was!), but I had a fantastic visit with so many people that are such dear friends. The room just cleared out a few minutes ago and I am already looking forward to the next convention. Thank you all for the fantastic conversation and company yet again!
