Specials now through oct 1

Items for sale in the United States of America and Canada.
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Specials now through oct 1

Post by worldwide73 »

Now through Oct. 1st.

Septbox 1. 2-1.5" round and 2- medium rectangle

Great for BN, and any other smaller plecos, They work, just ask around. Shipped to your door for $22

Septbox 2. 1-pleco burrito, 1 cichlid hut, 1, apisto hut, 1 breeding bell

Great for kribs, small cichlids, calvus, and plecos. Shipped to your door for $22

Paypal directly to plecocaves@gmail.com with the part number listed above.
Caves of all kinds, Sera Fish food, DRIFTWOOD, Omega One food. http://www.plecocaves.com
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