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If not a Channel Cat, then what?

Posted: 20 Aug 2010, 20:41
by Timberwolf
I have a new cat that we pulled out of the Yakima River yesterday that has us a little confused. Everything about it says that says Channel Cat, but everything I've read about them shows a deeply forked caudal fin, which he does not nave any sign of. he is now only about 3 inches long and enjoying the dense growth in my 37 gallon Eclipse tank, until I can set up a more appropriately sized tank, or maybe even a pond for him. He seems to love Tetramin granules and bloodworms (freeze-dried), so feeding him is not an issue in any way. Are the caudal forks something that are likely to develop as he matures, or do I have something else altogether? I will post a picture or two as soon as he comes back into the open.

Re: If not a Channel Cat, then what?

Posted: 20 Aug 2010, 20:45
by MatsP
Sounds like it may be another ...


Re: If not a Channel Cat, then what?

Posted: 20 Aug 2010, 21:59
by Silurus
There are only three species of bullheads (black, brown, yellow) found in the Columbia River drainage besides the channel catfish. If your fish doesn't otherwise look like a bullhead, I'd say you probably had an aberrant channel cat.

Re: If not a Channel Cat, then what?

Posted: 22 Aug 2010, 04:44
by Timberwolf
I figured it out (thanks, of course, to MatsP and Silurus)! My "Channel Cat" is, instead, a , or Yellow Bullhead Catfish. I've really been happy with the little guy and it looks like he won't bust out of my tanks any time soon, so now I'm even happier with him. he's found a cave that he likes right in front of the tank, so, shy or not, I can see him anytime and he seems to really like my overly-thick vegetation.

Re: If not a Channel Cat, then what?

Posted: 22 Aug 2010, 10:25
by MatsP
Still needs a pretty large tank - about 3ft x 6ft base area and at least 2ft tall - that's a 250 gallon tank - not small by any means.


Re: If not a Channel Cat, then what?

Posted: 22 Aug 2010, 13:46
by Viktor Jarikov
MatsP wrote:Still needs a pretty large tank - about 3ft x 6ft base area and at least 2ft tall - that's a 250 gallon tank - not small by any means.
eventually, when adult. Mats, do you mean "ideally" or as a minimum? (yeah, I know, ideally, an Olympic size swimming pool is the best) :D

Re: If not a Channel Cat, then what?

Posted: 22 Aug 2010, 14:00
by MatsP
That would be an "adequate minimum". Obviously, nearly all fish will live in quarters much larger than the minimum, and it is sometimes possible to keep fish in somewhat smaller a tank with careful maintenance.

The rule I follow is a 4L x 2L x 2L - some people will recommend slightly smaller than that, and others will suggest much larger. This rule applies to fairly sedate fish - for very active fish, larger quarters are needed for obvious reasons.
