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Stream Collecting in Delafield WI

Posted: 20 Jul 2010, 16:43
by nvcichlids
So I woke up this morning happy to see no rain. So I got my gear together, checked the DNR website to make sure I knew where I was going and was off to Delafield. The stream had no name and I still cannot find it, but was supposed to have bowfin, gar, stonerollers, common shiners, and darters (only catfish in this stream are bullhead and none were seen or caught). That is a good start for me. So I headed out. I got there and saw a car parked on the opposite side of the road. I was afraid that if someone was there fishing, I wouldn't be able to do what I wanted. So I walked around and found no one.

So I decided to start fishing. I took a tiny hook, put a split shot and a small red worm on there. I found a small tree down in the river and saw a ton of 4-8" fish behind it, figuring I could catch something. And I was right. Here I caught the majority of the fish I caught for the day.
I saw a ton of 1-3" small mouth and caught one on rod:
Then I was catching tons of these (hornyhead chubs?)
Then I started to catch common shiners:

I also did a little rock flipping for darters.. I had seen a bunch of LARGE Rainbows, couple looked to be orangethoats as the coloring from above was slightly different but I wasn't able to catch any of these. I had also seen some bandeds (wasn't able to catch) and another two I thought I ID'd correctly from above the water, but they eluded me. I saw definely what looked like a Gilt Darter and another that really reminded me of Redline Darters, but those are native and Gilts are extremely rare (so I have heard...)

I also saw some stonerollers that were eaily 10" long.. they were in a little bit deeper water and couldn't get a shot or catch them... must have been because I wasn't wearing my copper colored shirt, orange and white arm bands, and my sombrero with spikes on it... oh well.

All in all I caught roughly 20 or so of the "hornyhead chubs", 5 common shiners, 3 rainbow darters, 100 crayfish, one smallmouth, and 20 or so blackbanded topminnows. I will definately be taking my wife back for the bowfin/smallmouth fishing (didn't see any bowfin...)

Re: Stream Collecting in Delafield WI

Posted: 21 Jul 2010, 13:40
by bronzefry
Nice day collecting! :D