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Will they eat the eggs?
Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 08:07
by captmicha
I'm going to try breeding the three pygmy cory species soon. Does anyone know if the pygmy species will eat their eggs? I'm going to try to get all three species and breed them all in the same tank instead of having to set up three more tanks than I already have. Also, can they hybridize? I'm not aiming for that but I'm just curious as to whether they can or not. Thanks.
Re: Will they eat the eggs?
Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 16:08
by MatsP
I wouldn't put three different dwarf corys in the same tank, if at all possible to avoid... Not because I'm afraid they'd hybridise [which I don't think they would], but because it would just be a weird thing for those corys - they'd be quite confused, I'd say.
I have no experience with breeding them, so can't say if they will eat eggs or fry...
Re: Will they eat the eggs?
Posted: 11 Jul 2010, 15:15
by corybreed
As Mats said it is not a good idea to put different species of dwarf corys in the same tank if you are thinking about breeding them. There is no reason to encourage them to hybridise. Corydoras pygmaeus is not a big egg eater. I raise my fry with the parents. Just put a clump of Java Moss in the tank if it is available to you. If not another plant will work.