Chaetostoma milesi Photo, Finally

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Chaetostoma milesi Photo, Finally

Post by bronzefry »

It's only taken me since March to get this one photo. I finally got one to sit still for a few seconds to get a decent side shot. I must have tossed hundreds. The lights are off now, until the heatwave breaks. I'm doing water changes twice per week until the weather cools. I have no idea of their sexes. Probably males. I'm hoping for at least one female. Their appetites are fantastic and they even eat sinking veggie pellets.
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Re: Chaetostoma milesi Photo, Finally

Post by MatsP »

Nice shot. I think it was worth the effort...

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Re: Chaetostoma milesi Photo, Finally

Post by Farid »

hi amanda,
nice cat :) i will get 5 of them on sunday...for later on my hillstream tank...

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Re: Chaetostoma milesi Photo, Finally

Post by nvcichlids »

beautiful! One of the species I have a problem keeping alive.
What's your favorite Dressing~~
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Re: Chaetostoma milesi Photo, Finally

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Nice Amanda, got me wondering of getting some :D
Best Regards Birger
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Re: Chaetostoma milesi Photo, Finally

Post by corybrummie2010 »

Great photo Amanda :thumbsup: .Definitely a beautiful looking fish you have got there.
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Re: Chaetostoma milesi Photo, Finally

Post by DutchFry »

very nice!

and I know where you're coming from, it took me like forever to get this picture with the dorsal raised:


this species is indeed very shy!
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Re: Chaetostoma milesi Photo, Finally

Post by bronzefry »

Thanks, folks. I know what you mean about keeping them alive. I killed a fair share of them a few years back. I was hesitant to start with them again and did a lot of research before getting this group. I had the water all wrong. These are in tap water that's reading 7.5 pH with 650 microSeimens. I treat it with something to get rid of the chlorine and chloramine and aerate the you-know-what out of it. I took a risk and placed them in indirect sunlight. Feeding frenzy. All kinds of goodies growing on the glass for them. I turned out the lights during this heat wave and the water hasn't gone beyond 75 F. Hope it stays that way. Fun fish! Very active, even during the day.

I need to keep the water level just below the output of the hang-on-back filter....they like to climb in. They don't go far. Just eating. :lol:
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